Who did more damage to Linlin?

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:kuzanshut:Kidd fans chill. Don't fall for the bait.
They're trying to divide you and Law fans. That way, it's easier to debate you when you're divided.
Nah it’s because Kidd has always been the main one they always hated on, so because they don’t want to give credit to him they’re gassing Law and making it seem like he carried Kidd. The minute it became a 2 v 1 the Kidd haters already made up their mind on who the MVP of the fight was :milaugh:
On gents now that law and kidd are down (hopefully bigmom is as well cuz if she ain't next chapter....oooooh boy) who is going to fight cp9 or bigmom of she were to get up? Also what are zoros and sanjis role going to be going forward?
King is harder to damage than Kaido, who more durable than Big Mom. She scrapped her knee when she tripped. King is more durable and harder to damage than Big Mom.
Everyone is more durable than Kaido but he can endure a beaten. Can't say the same for "lost in 3 hits" Albert.
Nah it’s because Kidd has always been the main one they always hated on, so because they don’t want to give credit to him they’re gassing Law and making it seem like he carried Kidd. The minute it became a 2 v 1 the Kidd haters already made up their mind on who the MVP of the fight was :milaugh:
What? The chapter makes it very clear whom bigmom was most concerned about
I'm pretty sure she said Law's attack broke her bones, she even mentions how dangerous Law's abilities are
Law broke her ribs
Her arm was okay last chapter when she held her sword and Kid attacked her

Also that wasn't awakened move fron Kidd and yet Kidd hurt her
Law's second shockwille was stronger than his last coz the bigger his sword ans room, the stronger.

*Law > Kidd doesn't even make sense when Oda has Kidd be the finisher always 3x in a row...
*When Kid finisher is the one ending BM when BM tanked Law's finisher and was able to finish Law after before Kidd attacked.
*Kid also tanked most of her named moves while being more nerfed (fatal wound on his body from Hawkins tricks)

Oda wouldn't have Law complaining about finisher and superiority if he was stronger. Only someone who feels insecure and inferior would point this out
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