That just kinda seems like a waste of time at this point. What's the benefit of this happening? Is the fight just going to be a stalling match until Law is able to do this?
Teleporting bombs doesn't have the same impact as two trump card ultimate moves.

Big Mom has shown more than enough of her fruit capabilities since WCI. It can even be argued that it's already awakened based on the scale of her abilities and how she can affect the environment around her.
Oda is making the decision to end the fight right here, if it was not the case then he wouldn't have Law and Kid use character-defining moves with a desperate last stand from Big Mom.
Anything after won't hold up to what happened this chapter.
Teleporting bombs doesn't have the same impact as two trump card ultimate moves.

Big Mom has shown more than enough of her fruit capabilities since WCI. It can even be argued that it's already awakened based on the scale of her abilities and how she can affect the environment around her.
Oda is making the decision to end the fight right here, if it was not the case then he wouldn't have Law and Kid use character-defining moves with a desperate last stand from Big Mom.
Anything after won't hold up to what happened this chapter.