:yasu:Fiends vs Providers Chapters 4 and 5:yasu:
Yesterday, @Kagurashii accidentally came into the Waiting Room, thinking we were discussing the latest chapter
I was laughing so hard at this convo in which @solis and @Peroroncino tried explaining to her the degeneracy that goes on there.
So inspiration struck for Chapter 4

Also, remember when @Garp the Fist took advantage of all time high thirst for the @Pantheos Kid vs Big Mom bet result? And proceeded to post fake spoilers? It was unlike him. Too “TAC-like” you might say 
He maintains it was really him, but Chapter 5 exposes what really happened 
This is all in good fun, I hope no one takes any offense. I swear I love you all

@Rosella.Fiamingo @ReggieZoldyck21 @rerere @Olimaat @Kagurashii @Peroroncino @mly90 @qwe @solis @Roo @DJOMOLO @gamaran @MonsterZoro @Ghostly Reflections @EtenBoby @DruMzTV @Lebrent @RayanOO @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Chrono @Krusher1357 @Jailer @Nekomamushi @SDfear @L55 @Pan D. A. Man @Hades @Pot Goblin @Midnight Delight @notAfanboy @Arondight @djiayebee @Doggo @Lord_Braggy @Thabeast @YASER @zzShinichi @AdmiralKinyagi @wys @Sasparan @stealthblack @ScotchInformer @Lance_Dragonite @Cinera @Thururuzao @Geo @AL sama @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @sanjikun @Garp the Fist @TheAncientCenturion @Gol D. Roger @Worst @KINGKONGGUN15 @Buusatan94 @Bango🍅 @Van
Yesterday, @Kagurashii accidentally came into the Waiting Room, thinking we were discussing the latest chapter

I was laughing so hard at this convo in which @solis and @Peroroncino tried explaining to her the degeneracy that goes on there.
So inspiration struck for Chapter 4


This is all in good fun, I hope no one takes any offense. I swear I love you all