Who will defeat Kaido?

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I disagree

Fruit was eaten in the past as well but it wasn't awakened.

I think anyone can eat the nika nika no mi but only those who have specific attributes can awaken it. That's why it's rare to see it's awakening

And, the attributes are which defines joyboy.

One has to understand that df affect lineage factor. So, will of D has crucial role to play in it's awakening
possible explanation
I guess maybe the reason why only Luffy has been able to awaken this mythical zoan for such a long time and no one else may be because one of the requirements to awaken this devil fruit is to take massive amounts of damage and be the edge of death many times to awaken? Maybe it requires the user to perform good deeds?

Also even before awakening, Luffy's gears clearly stretched the boundaries of what a normal Paramecia devil fruit could do before their awakening. I guess you could say that stuff like Red Hawk and smoke rings around Gear 4 Luffy were hints of the Nika Fruit, Nika being the Sun God, and Luffy being allured to having fire abilities and light being able to bend just like rubber.

This is also interesting once you consider Luffy's relations with other characters and their devil fruits.

Ace and Sabo- the Flame Flame Fruit > weaker and lesser than the Sun God fruit

Akainu- the Lava Fruit> the more destructive and damaging version of the Sun God fruit

Blackbeard- the darkness Fruit> the evil, the opposite and arch enemy to the Sun God fruit.

Sengoku- Buddha Fruit> also a human fruit, and also a god fruit

People also always speculated why Luffy is the only Paramecia fruit who's rubber abilities were always active by default, unlike other Paramecia who actually had to activate them to work. Luffy could even stretch even if his body is in water, as shown all the way back in arlong park.

And since Luffy's ship is the Thousand Sunny, it would really fit the vessel of the Sun God Nika. Luffy's body was also glowing like the sun while he was unconscious in the water after being beaten by Kaido.

People can argue whether they like this direction that Oda took or if it's even a asspull, but at least the hints of Nika were always there and isn't completely baseless or groundless.

I'm more interested in knowing what new hax abilites Luffy will get after the awakening, since mythical zoans always come with elemental abilities + hax abilities.

Marco can regenerate, kaido can fly and can use the three elements of wind/fire/lightning, Sengoku can shoot laser beams, Yamato has ice flame and ice armor.

I wonder what unique and hax abilities Luffy will get?
i mean killing him now means the fruit respawns anyway so the outcome is the same . you are just taking the risk of letting him get strong enough to the point you prob cant do so anymore.
they didnt go after him for his df mate
they went after luffy for ties to dragon , conquerors haki etc
never his devil fruit
they completely ignored that aspect of him
Because now he is actually awakening the fruit. Why should I be scared of something that might happen? I shouldn’t. But when I know something will happen, that’s a different story. Also they went after him for being a pirate and declaring war on the WG. Until sengoku declared that he was the son of dragon and step brother of ace no marines knew that Info. The gorosei might have given an order to prioritize him over other pirates. But they weren’t strong enough to capture him. The only one who could have done it, isn’t really an enemy Fujitora. The gorosei gave the order as soon as it was to risky to leave him alive and also the opportunity presstet it self. Use kaido to kill him.
haven't seen sanjikun posts in this thread yet...
Bro, I can't blame him. Imagine his 3 years old theory about Bound Man beating Kaido with KKG doesn't only get disproven but also ridiculed to such high levels in which Kaido easily tanked the attack, only for Luffy to come up with a much more ridiculously powerful mode (awakening) to hurt Kaido with seemingly hakiless G3 and G4 attacks.

Wouldn't wonder me if he's silent for a week or two.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Where's the lie? Based on what we know, he's still stretching and inflating and it's still goofy. Look at the fucking pics lol

The question directed at Oda is why did you give Goofy a weak devil fruit like rubber. He answers that a weak devil fruit with goofy powers was what he wanted. Now reveals that the devil fruit is among the most coveted class and strength.

Take a deep breath. It's ok.
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