Who will defeat Kaido?

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Honestly I’ve been following this series for years and this sudden “this is a mystical power”-like revelation is very unlike Oda’s type of writing in my opinion. The best thing about Luffy as a character was his ability to utilize his powers to the maximum through cunningness and mimic like abilities. Having this sort of power under his wing all along undermines in my opinion at least, his journey from nothing to being the strongest character in the series. I mean as a series One Piece is still amazing and well written but this shonen-esque development is a let down from my perspective.
That would have been all well and fine had the concept of awakening and Top Tier haki not ever been a thing. But it would be absolutely ridiculous if Luffy could overcome all these monsters with broken devil fruits, by just being cunning. We are far past what Luffy was capable of achieving with his Devil Fruit just by using his wits alone. There was only so far Oda could tale that, before the options ran out, which they did.


Kitetsu Wanker
Feats? Now where talking about feats?

I can tell you how many main villain our boy has defeated. How about you? How many side characters has your boy defeated compared to the main villain our boys has defeated? I bet the side characters that your boy has beaten will never catch up with the main characters our boy has beaten. Lol. Now that's the feat we are talking about. lol

What's the rush? Zkk is the grand finale? Zkk may probably be the grand finale in your head but seeing how Zoro is sleeping like a princess right now, it won't happen in reality.

Mummification is long past but at least its a valid and visible proof that actually happened unlike some ZKK claim that is in oblivion.

Proof of Law shablong Hakai - https://prnt.sc/A1_A4NyygnBo
Then the next thing we saw is Zoro lying beside Law far away from where Hakai hits. Kid ended up thanking that he blocked for 1 SECOND, lol. In the end , no one was unable to stop Hakai. lol

Lol. Still amusing why you expect Luffy to make a papercut. Lol just like how the grim reaper is Zoro's imagination, ZKK is also your imagination. You will be begging me to stop showing you how Luffy finished the war and liberate Wano. lol

5th time I ask you. Show me a proof where Zoro defeat a main villain in a final battle. lol
You haven't realized that you are playing catchup to Zoro's feats since chapter 1010? :milaugh:

I can tell you that Zoro one-shots the same villains that Luffy struggles with.
I can tell you that Zoro can face Hakai while weakling cant.
I can tell you that Zoro holds his own against Admiral while Luffy gets trashed.
I can tell you that Zoro claps Kaido's RHM in 10 mins while Luffy needs 11 hours for Big Mom's Cracker and Katakuri.
I can tell you that Zoro carries Luffy on rooftop and outperforms Luffy hundred times over.
You catch my drift - Zoro is better than Luffy at everything.

Dont run away when Zoro wakes up.
Mummification is irrelevant, what matters is what got him into such state - island buster from 2 Emperors.
Luffy died to attack that Kinemon survived, he didnt have time to be mummified... Expected for a weakling.

You havent shown me Law shambling Zoro, you posted Law posing and sweating. Is that all you have? Headcanon after all...
No, silly Luffybro... Zoro is laying on the ground scorched by Hakai, he didnt move anywhere, lmao.
Why didnt Luffy the weakling block it for one second?

I dont expect Luffy to make a papercut because I know he is too weak to do it.
Grim Reaper is real but I know you would like it more if it was Brook but that was already debunked so you grabbing other straws.
Dont run away when ZKK happens, I want to see this delusional behaviour then. :myman:

Loony Toons probably ain't it but for sure THE MUMMY ain't it either,
You are not aware that the Mummy happened before fight vs King and that Zoro levitated out of it like a god? :kobeha:
ZKK is the inevitable finale, always has been, always will be. You are just running from something that is inevitably coming.
The sooner you accept it, the less copium you will need.

If you have time to do it? How about you quote me of every main villain (not side character) that Zoro killed? Can you do that?
There is a first time for everything. :kuzanshut:

Kaido isn't something you can defeat via strategy, etc.
Luffy has all the necessary haki and power to stand on same ground with him, but beating him, you need more than that.
What else could it be

Being careful?? What will that help to beat Kaido
More training?? He has all his stats max.
Broken Awakening is the only answer.
You clearly never read manga like jjk or hxh isnt it. Look how Gojo was treated. Imagine author just give more special ability so sudden ro beat Gojo, it is clearly lazy writing.

It is so easy to keep writing Luffy to be superior by being more special than antagonist. But What is the point of the world strongest narrative. I will stop the discussion with you now since there is no point.
I wonder what performance is that.

1. The failed attempt to stop Hakai.
2. The Law shambling him away from Hakai.
3. The moment BM asked Kaido to dodge because of the unusual sword he is holding?
4. Or the moment he made a papercut on Kaido?(That Kaido didn't even give a shit.)
1 - Zoro temporarily blocked Hakai, the combination attack from two Yonko, and saved all the SN. A feat nobody else could achieve.
2 - wrong, Law stated Zoro tanked hakai not that he saved him.
3 - Zoro scared 2 Yonko with an unusual sword, as in cursed sword, that used Zoro's haki.
4 - Zoro bested and scarred Kaido. That's so-called paper cut still caused Kaido more damage than any other single attack.

All of the SN achieved less and attacks amounted to nothing. Even Lufdy acknowledged that his attacks are too shallow to do anything.

doing paper cuts and getting bailed out by Law is good performance?

zolo won't beat a Yonko in his life time lmao:gokulaugh:
See above.
Everything is proceeding as planned: :funky:

1. Next chapter (or two) Luffy beats Kaido
2. Then Luffy runs out of Gear 5 Nika (like he always did every single time he used a gear for the first time)
3. We got Kaido flashback
4. Orochi dies for good, giving the impression that the alliance has finally won
5. Kaido awakens and attacks the capital for one last time
6. We find out what happen with Zoro and Calli
7. Zoro wakes up
8. ZKK

Can't wait. :cheers:

@Jew D. Boy
Luffy is a Zoan too he can awakens anytime he want. :finally:
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