Already talked about the Luffy & Fate thing:
No he's not a chosen one or chosen by destiny or any of that stuff.
People focus way too much on
what he has instead of thinking about
how he got them.
earned everything single that he has.
Luffy worked his ass off through constant struggle and failure to master all of his abilities. Going through countless near death scenarios and having to literally die to achieve this Awakening.
Pointing out who he's related to doesn't mean anything either because One Piece has never placed bloodline on a pedestal. This story goes out of it's way to repeatedly tell us that bloodline doesn't matter and that it doesn't define you so it baffles me that people would even use this point.
Luffy is friends with famous individuals who help him solely because he
earned their respect.
The reason the Joyboy stuff doesn't really matter is because not only did Joyboy himself fail, but the fruit has been passed around for 800 years. That means people have been eating this fruit for centuries and none of them were able to bring the dawn let alone achieve awakening. So just having the fruit doesn't make anyone a chosen one.
This is all just Luffy. This is all because of who he is and the work he put in to make it this far.