I really like how some guys are acutally really mad ,about the luffy vs kaido fight
ItS NoT SeRioUs eNOuGtH ...
ItS tO GoOFy ...
ThEy mAdE KaIdO a jOkE ...
and so on and on
Get the sand out of your buttchecks and life with it :cheers:
When i read the Kaido fight is the worst fight of wano i don't understand it because we got so much hype stuff most of the fandom lost their mind about it (side note we wouldn't get that without this fight

i followed one piece in the anime since it was aired in the german speaking countrys mangawise since thriller bark .
There were always goofy scenes in so much serious fights (crocodile the waterballon luffy,arlong with his teeth,chibi luffy with lucci,oars on thriller bark being dumb like luffy etc)
Sure one piece is about to conclude in like 10 years or so

For my part its was always this way for me at least goofy sometimes serious but thats what I think made it enjoyable .
I mean its a shoenen we all know how such storys go..
But some are really offended when the story does
not go according to their headcanon and fight literall online wars about that (wich i like to observe

So much for me being serious lets get back to the fun