What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
literally the sexiest wano female is a dude

I have O-Kiku 4th in my ranking for Wano Waifus. Loyal, modest and elegant, kind and passionate. Great character.

I am interested in seeing if Ivankov shows up with the revolutionaries, to give Kiku the ability to change her gender on a genital level.

I wouldn't care either way, I just love Kiku. Her interactions with Zoro and Luffy were a lot of fun to me, and I appreciate the deep love she had for Oden and the Scabbards as her family. To me, her saying she's not comfortable bathing around men who aren't the Scabbards means she's so comfortable with the Scabbards as her family, that, even though she identifies as a woman, she never felt uncomfortable bathing with them.

I still have Yamato number 1 from Wano (I feel dumb for thinking Oda couldn't introduce a Straw Hat late into the series and make me love them, after I waited so long for Jinbei to join), but O-Kiku is beautiful, inside and out.

The men are also awesome. King is hot on a variety of levels, and I have a lot of feelings regarding Denjiro's neck.
@Ghostly Reflections i think this is it for me, damn

watching the community fighting desperately, each little bubble trying to hype their favorite characters, yet Oda doesn't give a fuck about any of them

they have to search for background panels and gags to try and create hype for the characters they love, yet Oda has no idea wtf he is doing with these characters

it all comes back to just Luffy

Luffy has every power, every legend, everything he needs

and if that wasn't enough, the community likes to shit on people who have hopes for any other characters that aren't Luffy, isn't that great?

Do you want villains to be powerfull and have good backstories? fuck outta here, all they need to be is a punching bag for Luffy

Do you want Luffy's crew and alliance to also have powerful and relevant characters like him? fuck outta here, this is Luffy's show, he gets everything

and the bottom line is, GODA is always right
Every villain is a punching bag for Luffy...Luffy gets everything...btw the only character being beaten 4 times after each powerup is Luffy btw, he's the one humiliated the most by Oda. And the only relevant character Luffy beat in this arc is Kaidou, tho? And thats after 15 other fighters also jumped in the fight. Luffy is the one whose victory is diluted, interfered against, obscured, downplayed, and underappreciated by the readers while no one else even comes close. Luffy just beat 1 person, Kaidou. He didnt beat Kaidou, King, Queen, Mihawk, Fujitora at the same time in this arc....

and uh many members are satisfied by Luffy's powerlevel and victory accomplishment in beating Kaidou but they want Zoro to beat Kaidou instead after beating King, and then beating Ryokugyu after this? Sidelining Luffy and leaving Luffy not winning over any enemy in this arc? I understand the lacking storytelling, pacing, lack of consequence, asspulls exaggerated spotlite etc about Luffy but if certain fandoms complaining Luffy getting something because wanting the same thing for ther faves instead while sidelining Luffy and will be absolutely cheering if their faves get it in an alternate scenario / world is...kinda double standard imo.
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by the end of the series, the people making fun of Zoro fans right now are gonna find out:

the fact that the Admirals are gonna get their asses destroyed by Luffy and the Straw Hats
Blackbeard and his crew will also be defeated by Luffy and the Straw hats
Sanji will always be behind Zoro and Luffy
Luffy will never face defeats or consequences ever again
your favorite character is probably not gonna have any actual impact in the story, unless your favorite character is Luffy
Robin and Nami fans are gonna have to watch as Yamato steal any fights they would get in the future
Law and Kid fans will have to accept they will always be behind Luffy and are just cheerleaders
If you care about any character that isn't Luffy, they don't matter to the story
figured that out long time ago buddy
we just knew our place early.......

e.g you dont see a lot of law fans yapping about being equal to luffy do you


Yh we know ( except the whole Sanji being behind Zoro...yh no). But doesnt matter for us Sanji fans. Sanji got his character and importance last arc. Sanji had the bigger focus than Luffy, saved the SHs and Tottoland, had flashbacks and depth, saved his family, grew the allaince, and had boss ass moments. Then he got his combat feats in Wano. So in general Sanji is gucci for the Yonko Saga.
No he isn't

if he was, then Sanji fans wouldn't be looking with magnifying glasses for panels of him using Hardening or a panel of Zoro and Sanji in a gag fight to say he can tank Adv. CoC

can't you see pathetic that is?

does that sound like gucci fans who are happy with Sanji?
Even though I'm pro ZKK I also know that Oda won't let Zoro steal the limelight and overshadow his literal God figure, Pirate Jesus, Luffy.

If he did kill Kaido, it would overshadow Luffy imo although I kinda feel that blocking Hakai momentarily does that anyway ironically, but I do feel Oda will somehow wank Luffy beyond that to the very extremes possible and even impossible, because it is THE LUFFY SHOW after all!

Luffy didn't feel so grossly superior to his entire crew pre TS, he felt like he was more of an equal to them but now he's running a literal god fruit and is Joyboy somehow. He has a FAR superior Zoan to his own crewmate Chopper too and if Yamato is joining, Luffys fruit is still superior, better and FAR more plot relevant by far as much as I LOVE her DF though.

I do love Luffys awakening/Gear 5th too, so don't mistake me for outright hating on it either.

Oda really went meta, flanderisation/exaggeration and thus self parodying/fulfilling when he introduced Bartolomeo and made him an egregious Luffy fanboy by far. It was already bad enough from another characters especially the complete 180 degrees Boa Hancock did and has become an unholy mixture of Sakuras/Inos and Hinatas worst traits.

I am so tired of the fucking cult-like wanking of Luffy in the story as well s by the fanbase IRL, as well as the cult wank for the story and Oda themselves too.

The story has become a complete parody of itself and a fucking circlejerk to the very heavens.

But I know I'm gonna get attacked for opinions like this, as per tradition. Can't escape that shit, even on here.

I am 100% with you here. Great summary of the issue!
Sanji in 150 chapter defeated Queen in the worst fight in the serie. With a sneak attack. After Queen attacked himself. In the arc where Zoro fought two emperors and scarred one of them before defeating a YC stronger than Queen.

Sanji isn't far from Zoro, they are the wings of the PK and so on, but compared to Zoro he was useless.
I can't believe Zoro, the combatant and swordsman of the crew who aims to be the World's Strongest Swordsman, had more combat highlights than the guy who has to split his time between cooking and fighting :few:

Wano was overall really good for Sanji considering he already had an arc where the plot revolved around him

I can't believe it has come to us arguing which of our favorite characters was treated WORSE instead of better :kobeha:
by the end of the series, the people making fun of Zoro fans right now are gonna find out:

the fact that the Admirals are gonna get their asses destroyed by Luffy and the Straw Hats
Blackbeard and his crew will also be defeated by Luffy and the Straw hats
Sanji will always be behind Zoro and Luffy
Luffy will never face defeats or consequences ever again
your favorite character is probably not gonna have any actual impact in the story, unless your favorite character is Luffy
Robin and Nami fans are gonna have to watch as Yamato steal any fights they would get in the future
Law and Kid fans will have to accept they will always be behind Luffy and are just cheerleaders
If you care about any character that isn't Luffy, they don't matter to the story
Damn you spitting FACTS family!!! Boy just decided to cook everybody lol my bad bro

Gorosei Informer

I have O-Kiku 4th in my ranking for Wano Waifus. Loyal, modest and elegant, kind and passionate. Great character.

I am interested in seeing if Ivankov shows up with the revolutionaries, to give Kiku the ability to change her gender on a genital level.

I wouldn't care either way, I just love Kiku. Her interactions with Zoro and Luffy were a lot of fun to me, and I appreciate the deep love she had for Oden and the Scabbards as her family. To me, her saying she's not comfortable bathing around men who aren't the Scabbards means she's so comfortable with the Scabbards as her family, that, even though she identifies as a woman, she never felt uncomfortable bathing with them.

I still have Yamato number 1 from Wano (I feel dumb for thinking Oda couldn't introduce a Straw Hat late into the series and make me love them, after I waited so long for Jinbei to join), but O-Kiku is beautiful, inside and out.

The men are also awesome. King is hot on a variety of levels, and I have a lot of feelings regarding Denjiro's neck.



Yeah I do he served his purpose as initial contender for PK and ultimately was a failed version of Joyboy and settled for fighting the real thing when that person came along.
Then you have a shit taste, holy shit

Kaido is horrible

complete waste of a character

most shallow backstory and motivation ever

and in the end gets defeated by an Awakening, something he didn't have, despite being on top of the world and having a DF for 40 years
Sanji in 150 chapter defeated Queen in the worst fight in the serie. With a sneak attack. After Queen attacked himself. In the arc where Zoro fought two emperors and scarred one of them before defeating a YC stronger than Queen.

Sanji isn't far from Zoro, they are the wings of the PK and so on, but compared to Zoro he was useless.
If were talking about contribution....Sanji did more this arc than Zoro. Heck saving Momo was more important than defeating the King the Background.

Not only that but scarring Kaido was useless, since his scar didnt amount to anything. And blocking Hakai was also useless. Luffy wouldve died sure...then he goes G5 looney toons and ends the fight quicker.

Queen was more of a threat than King.

In terms of contribution....Zoro wasnt needed this arc. In terms of being impressive....sure he was impressive as hell.
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