with the bounties coming do you believe that? when was the last time we had the rewards and we didn't have an arc ending?
That's what gets me about it: this arc's ending feels too perfect, too neat. Oh, a few people died, but who cares, la-dee-da. All tension feels lost. Even Green Bull showing up doesn't seem threatening: it's clear he's going to Wano against Akainu's orders, so it's unlikely this will be a Buster Call, at least right now.
We're getting the bounties right when the final saga gets announced when:
-We don't know what happened to Big Mom and Kaido
-We don't know what happened to Perospero/the rest of the Big Mom Pirates
-We don't know what happened to the Beast Pirates (King especially)
-We still have no real idea what happened at the Reverie
-Zoro's connections to Wano are murky at beast
-We haven't had any reveals about Wano's ponyglyphs
-We haven't had much ancient history about Wano revealed
-We have no idea what happened with the Warlords
-We have no idea what's going on with Sword as well
What's more likely: we're getting played, or all of those plot points are just getting dropped as we head straight to Elbaf or Laugh Tale?
How many times were we told Wano was at its "Climax", and how long did that take? I pray 1053 ends all this confusion, because I'll go mad if we have a month+ of people complaining about an arc ending when we don't even have proof we're leaving Wano yet.
(Edit: spelling edit)