Who's the better troll?

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Take a moment away from trashing GB and you can see that Momo's legend is building big time, the Shogun attacked the Navy Admiral after which the Admiral decided to retreat (how many of the Wano citizens know that it was Shanks who scared GB away).

This is actually a big loss for the Zoro fandom. First they lose the Oden parallel of Kaido calling him a monster samurai, then he loses the Ryuma parallel by not beheading Dragon/Kaido instead Luffy's heroics get compared to Ryuma and now Momo is gonna get the Ryuma parallel of warding off the WG by making a Navy Admiral after getting attack by the Shogun.


The entire community always had this idea that Shanks would have the strongest Conqueror's Haki

and we saw with Shanks causing real damage to Whitebeard's ship with just his base Conqueror's

so, why the fuck did we think Shanks was just gonna be an idol / mentor to Luffy and not do anything?

If he has the most powerful Conqueror's, that means this dude has the biggest ambition out there, to stand above others

It doesn't make sense for Shanks to just be a party drunk who fucks around and is waiting for Luffy to become Pirate King


If GB was truly afraid of Kaido and was avoiding him on purpose....he would've come to Wano to capture the island under WG rule.

But no...he's coming after Luffy...the man who defeated Kaido. Why would he plan to capture a Dude who helped him out ? Did Smoker aim to capture Luffy after Alabasta after helping defeat Croc. Did Aokiji aim to capture Luffy after Luffy defeated Croc. Did Fuji aim to capture Luffy after Luffy defeated Doffy.

No they all let him go....and we're secretly thankful for him. So again in which universe would GB want to angerily capture Luffy if Luffy helped him out and did something he couldn't lol.

It's just simple logic:-

- WG needs Kaido for weapons
- In turn they don't attack him and he has immunity
- In turn Wano has immunity

- Kaido is defeated
- WG won't get their weapons
- Immunity broken
- Thus Admirals are now invading.
Nope. It would be a lot better for WG if Kaido wasn't there and they had Wano under their command already.

GB excuse of Kaido not being there only works for him. WG is not invading Wano because of the legend of Ryuuma.
Take a moment away from trashing GB and you can see that Momo's legend is building big time, the Shogun attacked the Navy Admiral after which the Admiral decided to retreat (how many of the Wano citizens know that it was Shanks who scared GB away).

This is actually a big loss for the Zoro fandom. First they lose the Oden parallel of Kaido calling him a monster samurai, then he loses the Ryuma parallel by not beheading Dragon/Kaido instead Luffy's heroics get compared to Ryuma and now Momo is gonna get the Ryuma parallel of warding off the WG by making a Navy Admiral after getting attack by the Shogun.
All those years of people saying Shanks' swordsmanship is a conduit for his haki honestly are getting some vindication.

I've been flamed on for saying that if you look at characters like Roger or Rayleigh or Shanks, swordsmanship really isn't the point of their strength or power. They are "classic" pirates with Cutlasses. Its not like Mihawk or other that pride on their ability to fight with Sword.

Roger just swings his blade with zero technique. It's just a method of outputting his haki. If these people "chose" to, I bet you they could throw a nasty punch at someone (i.e. like Garp).

Watch as people take offense to this comment yet again:ihaha:
It has always been like this.
Plus, Oda is a troll, he will find funniest and weirdest ways to make an OP character normal and a normal character too over powered (i.e., Tama). "Doctrine of necessity" is the closest term that I can think of to describe how Oda do things.
How about you learn to read?
"a new force capable of stopping us"

Nowhere does it say helping marines stop them. Kaido is singling out SSG as its own force. SSG are warlord replacement.
Replacing warlords doesn't mean capable of stopping them. Kaido only says that navy headquarters having confidence on SSG.
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