Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Even I’m a power scaling is BS type person, but it is fair to say that Crocodile was portrayed alongside Ace as one of the only not to scream from the baptism.

Basically oda clearly didn’t plan on luffy growing this much stronger since the start of the series and regrtted Croc losing
People who overanalyze the Pacifista moment need to understand this
So Buggy with his scrubs is better at preserving a huge territory and fighting off enemies than the entire BMPs. I see.
With his new crew? Yeah, why not?
Not to mention we still don't know the full story, because Buggy must've found some huge fortune or something in order to give huge bounties to marines. So he probably has way bigger army now than before and way more richer.
So dunno why he would have hard feelings towards Mihawk serving someone else, as it wouldn't diminish his goal of being the strongest
Because he would be known as the guy whose dream is to beat Buggy's bootlicker? I don't understand what's so hard for you to comprehend?

Do you think being Buggy's underling is inspiring or something?
What's your point though? So Crocodile = Mihawk? The guy who got defeated by pre Gear Luffy
All out Mihawk couldn't even hit Luffy in marineford and was blocked by Croc.
and got smashed by a YC3 in his reintroduction is suddenly = Shanks' former rival
former, yes

Why don't you tell me why Mihawk is teaming up with them if he's that strong? Why is he serving Buggy if he's that strong?
Why not just continue chilling in his castle?
Even I’m a power scaling is BS type person, but it is fair to say that Crocodile was portrayed alongside Ace as one of the only not to scream from the baptism.

Basically oda clearly didn’t plan on luffy growing this much stronger since the start of the series and regrtted Croc losing
I always seen it like Moria.

At some point Crocodile lost to Whitebeard and became a shadow of his former self it was only when Luffy beat him did he reawaken that dog in him to fight.

youre literally brain dead, King ate everything Zoro had and was undamaged before ACoC.

He also had one bandage on his forehead a week after getting his wing cut and his body hit by Zoro’s strongest attack ever—which is easily 10x anything WCI Luffy could do
:milaugh:ate everything
Yeah zoro used mid tier moves
When he added adcoc...those mid tier moves had him running

A coward who starts running away when he realises he will lose

Only King fans cling to "hasn't healed...didn't get treatment or enough rest"
He's just weak
- Luffy is surprised that it "looks like" they are Buggy's subordinates, says Buggy is an idiot
- Zoro calls it bullshit
- Shanks too understands that Buggy being an emperor is bullshit
- Law said, having Crocodile (YC level max, formerly below) and Mihawk on his side justifies it being a Yonko level threat

Everyone with a brain understands, Buggy being Yonko is a troll move, while also acknowledging having Mihawk makes you Yonko level.

@ShishioIsBack @ConquistadoR
Literally the entire dialogue is showing Mihawk as the shadow emperor and Buggy being nothing but an idiot you cum swallowing low life bottom breeders

Mihawk alone is equal to a Yonko and his entire crew

If mihawk fought kaido he would low diff him

@EmperorKinyagi @GoldDiamond @kenedyfake
@Malakhith Yamato not joining still the hill you want to die on?


The more spoilers get released the more of a dumbass you look

Nothing happened to change my opinion.

The crew never hinted of wanting her. Luffy accepted Tama as Nakama. She was forgotten.

But if you believe that she will teleport to the ship from the flower capital and they will have pity for her sorry ass and accept her to join, even without wanting it? Good for you.

Literally the entire dialogue is showing Mihawk as the shadow emperor and Buggy being nothing but an idiot you cum swallowing low life bottom breeders

Mihawk alone is equal to a Yonko and his entire crew

If mihawk fought kaido he would low diff him
"Law says that if Buggy was able to make those 2 obey him, then it’s appropriate to call him "Emperor"

How Mihawk fans read it

"Law says that if Buggy was able to make hawkeye obey him, then it’s appropriate to call him "Emperor"
:suresure:Cracker blow though biscuits, trees till the chateau = wakes up a day after and ready to tight people
He probably not even that weakened still

King ? Lol takes 7 days and still can't do well

CoC: Color of Clowns

Minks Gone Wild, Unrated Furry Garchu Action
Nameless-san are you fine
I let it all out, I'm good.

I'm sure the next time the leakers tell us we're leaving Wano that there is no war in Ba Sing Se.

When does Act 3 die? When CP0 is hit with a bullet? NO! When the Samurai suffer the Ice-Oni disease? NO! When Momo eats Oden with Oden using the bones of Oden? NO!

ACT 3 NEVER DIES!!! The real One Piece was Act 3 all along.

I'm actually excited for Act 4 and 5 of Wano, BUT HOLY FUCK HOW IS ACT 3 STILL GOING!?!? Okay, now I'm good. I need to work on my patience, LOL.
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