Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Even a fodder like Pica without CoC, dropped his sword and focused on his CoA to fight Zolo. But Mihawk fans as usual coping :suresure::kailaugh:
Ch.749 - Pica uses sword

Ch.752 - Pica keeps fighting by using sword

Ch.754 - Pica still fights by using sword

Ch.778 - Pica stops using his sword and fights by concentrating on his Haki only as his last resort.

Zolo admits, Pica's technique could work if Pica's Haki was greater than Zolo's.

This alone proves that if Shanks's Haki level (both CoA and CoC) is greater than Mihawk's, then he can basically do what Pica tried to do, but the difference will be it would work since his Haki is greater.
Didnt remember the Pica scene, ty.


The Honoured One
Idk what Oda is doing with Mihawk and Shanks. If we take Mihawk's title at face value, Mihawk>Shanks.

Shanks has the best CoC feats in one piece bar none. Mihawk just doesn't. Mihawk is WSSM, he has better skill with a sword than shanks, yet Oda can't just come out and say Mihawk defeated shanks. He can't give Mihawk a higher bounty than shanks. He can't even have Mihawk split the sky with Whitebeard, despite them both being in marineford.
Mihawk is said to be Shanks's "rival", but Shanks has a much greater rivalry with blackbeard. In fact by his own admission, Teach is more dangerous.
Maybe it's like this. Shanks< Mihawk, however Shanks's CoC mastery> Mihawk's, with Mihawk solely being stronger due to having a black blade and 2 arms.

in any case, I don't think you can say shanks fans don't have a point, when Oda himself wanks shanks more than almost any other character.
Yes. Current Zoro awakens his CoC by reaffirming his dream of becoming the WSS, but Mihawk the current WSS and Zoro's end goal doesn't have it.

Also correct- Mihawk told Shanks to turn off his haki and only use blades when duelling. That's why their battles were classed as legendary.

The fact that it emphasises "skill" is a pretty bad sign for Mihawk, if Oda was trying to convey that Mihawk > Shanks in this moment then he'd have just said "Mihawk surpasses Shanks" or "Mihawk surpasses Shanks in power", but no instead he decides to explicitly say skill.
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