Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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CoC damage from distance, nulifyiing observation Haki?..
CoC damage to someone who is obviously a lot weaker than him.
Gb and shanks don't stand in the same tier.
Nullifying observation haki is a strong " skill " but nothing suggest that shanks didn't use that against Mihawk..
I mean if we go by that logic, Mihawk never used the properties of his black blade because shanks didn't have one..
Everything suggest that those two fought as equals but after today's spoilers Mihawk has an edge.
There is no f way for the marines to have info that shanks and mihawk challenge eachother in a skill fight and mihawk was the winner.
This sounds and is silly.
Some lore about's about time! :funky:

Mhawk, a Marine Chaser who just want to live in peace, a bit of contradiction but it's okay.
I can tell you right now why he got that title. After Shanks lost his arm Mihawk probably got mad and started looking for worthy opponents in the Marines. Once he found out nobody could give him a good fight he took on his current lifestyle of boredom and waiting for a worthy challenger to appear. like this is not even a meme I legit think that's how it went down.

Rant time.
I swear. This is a good time to bring up one of Oda’s many failings as a writer as of late.

Every character in this dogshit manga has become such a flagrant imbecile that characters who were formerly portrayed as highly intelligent (Crocodile) now act like juvenile ego chasers desperate for everyone to know how great they are. It’s like every character in this manga is overcompensating for small penis size or some shit.

Do you guys remember the Crocodile who masterminded a plan to take over Alabasta from the shadows? He didn’t want anyone to know that he was in charge of Baroque Works, or that he was masterminding Alabasta’s fall, he was smart enough to recognize that accomplishing his goals from the shadows was much easier than trying to convince everyone of how smart he was.

Alabasta Crocodile was a cunning and highly intelligent mastermind, he would’ve succeeded in taking over Alabasta in secret without anyone ever knowing that he was causing all of the country’s problems.

Fast forward to 2022, and Crocodile the imbecile actually needs Mihawk to explain the benefits of hiding under Buggy’s notoriety to accomplish his goals. The same Crocodile who didn’t give two shits about ego or notoriety pre-timeskip, is now raging in fury at the idea that he’s not getting any credit for forming Cross Guild.

If 2022 Oda wrote Alabasta, Crocodile would be screaming his evil plan from the rooftops of Alabasta just so everyone knew how cool and evil he was. Fujitora while performing his apology to King Riku would’ve looked up and actually explained that he was powerful enough to defeat Doflamingo but chose not to for his political agenda. We would’ve gotten a flashback of Teach looking Whitebeard square in the face and clarifying that he is only joining the Whitebeard Pirates to locate the Yami Yami to Mi and “don’t think I’m weaker than you because I’m a subordinate! This is just my temporary plan!”

Trafalgar D. Dumbass went through the same regression in Wano. Dressrosa Law didn’t care how Doflamingo died, he just wanted Doffy dead. He didn’t care who got the credit, he just wanted Doffy dead. Fastforward a few years and every single line of dialogue Law had in Wano was about how he wasn’t anybody’s subordinate and “look how great I am!” “I am not your subordinate!” “Just because you attacked before me doesn’t mean I’m following you or something!” Like seriously, did Oda’s wife tell him she doesn’t think he’s attractive anymore or some shit? I can’t understand any other reason for all of his character’s now desperately overcompensating on panel.

I have no doubt Mihawk’s incredibly obvious words to Crocodile here will be portrayed as Mihawk acting highly intelligent or some shit like that, but the reality is that every One Piece character is now just a monkey and that Mihawk is one of the only few with an IQ above potato.

Am I alone here?

@Den_Den_Mushi @Owl Ki @Light D Lamperouge
Sounds about right. I also got to love how the man who made a career out of making a name for himself as the greatest bad arse with a sword on the whole planet (when said aforementioned weapon is main tool of choice for killing fools by 95% of the cast) goes "I just want to live peacefully".

Bitch, he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. Lol. So much for "wanting a real challenge". Zoro is going to come cashing his cheque for a duel only to find Mihawk has become the World's Strongest Farmer.

Clearly years of having nothing to do but drink whole bottles of wine by his lonesome has caught up with ol' Mohawk. :mihugh:
I am not pushing any agenda, unless you think Whitebeard's title held any weight in Marineford (because it clearly didn't, Kaido, Big Mom and probably Shanks were all above him already).

Mihawk probably is stronger than Shanks but that title hold no weight when he hasn't fought his rival in almost 20 years.
Except that this is a double edged sword....
You cannot say definitively that Shanks>Mihawk, cause they havent fought in 20 yrs

Im basing it off of portrayal and what Oda has shown/said.... not a biased headcanon towards a nostalgic character
A reminder:
  • Shanks is called a swordsman.
  • Shanks has split the skies with Whitebeard through swordsmanship.
  • Wano has implied King to be a non-swordsman due to his fighting style going beyond swordsmanship.
  • Wano has debunked the Hakiman argument.
It's more or less confirmed that Mihawk is STRONGER than Shanks.
:suresure::jackcopium::jackcopium::jackcopium: Cope until the end.


Shanks negged a Ladmiral without his sword.


CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Zoro was an unreal savage this chapter. We love to see it
Zoro going at Sanji like this is amazing, their banter adds a lot to the series.

Still wonder if Zoro knows Sanji attacked Luffy at Whole Cake, though. I have a bad feeling that if he finds out about that, Zoro will fight Sanji for real (based on what happened with Usopp).

I still believe in evil Sanji, and Vegapunk hacking Sanji's Germa-tech and making him a perverted terminator, though, soooooooo
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