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Was it just a prank bro? You don't really hate black people, think hilter was jesus, and think jews are evil?
I don't think you're replying to the correct person, either that or you didn't read anything I've actually said ever. Never in my life have I said anything positive about Hitler let alone on here today. I don't have any hate for anyone based off skin color or religion and have never said anything that could be mistaken for that. I'm honestly confused what you did read because it wasn't any of my posts
Oh god
And all this drama started BC of gol d. Roger
Congrats dude. You stirred the lot today!
-Sabo is in the Kingdom of Lulusia (says the Marines who intercepted the call 2 chapters ago) and it is assumed that he dies with the destruction of the island.
Sure fam
I mean if sabo is alive. and he can exposed IMU secret to public easily.

Heck marines already listen to sabo say about someone sit on empty throne .

IMU secret existence got exposed to marines by listening to sabo talk :doffytroll::doffytroll:.
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