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@ShishioIsBack @L55
Blackbeard felt distress facing Serahawk and had to immediately resort to his Darkness Logia, yet Serahawk in the next panel looked fine - assuming Blackbeard really managed to take away Serahawk's sword, which we can only judge based on the small dark silhouette of Serahawk in the background of the next panel, how did Serahawk escape so easily from an enraged Blackbeard using Haki and his Darkness Logia, the one he searched for for decades?

Meanwhile Serahawk was the one feeling distressed when Zoro interfered with his slash, with Zoro just smirking.
Ppl whining about Ryokugyu being stopped by Shanks as if admirals were ever gonna be stronger than emperors...

He's super cool and strong to those that had realistic expectations, it's your own fault if you thought he was on par with Kaido.
serahawk as not shown that he is special compared to other seraphims, it is just your headcanon
He literally has
He has fought two yonko level characters and nearly defeated one of them

He has mountain busting attack power
He is Mihawks replacement..and Mihawk has objectively been shown as biggest warlord (3.6 Billion)

Just like not all warlords are built same..neither are seraphim

To me serahawk will defeat SeraJinbei same level real Mihawk would defeat real jinbei


Kitetsu Wanker
Zolo needed KoH to deal with Magma like Flames :suresure::suresure::suresure:

WB with 1 handed slash swatted Lakainu's Magma Dog attack.
You got it all wrong, again. :ronalaugh: Zoro used KOH to demolish magma, Hardened sword and a Lunarian all at the same time.
Zoro swatted away an attack from a stronger guy than Akainu with less effort than Whitebeard. :myman:

WB used 2 handed slash vs. BB, then use Tremor on BB's head.

BB can take KoH attacks easy.

Slashes are too weak to hurt him.
If WB could bring down Blackbeard with one nameless slash, imagine what Zoro can do to Blackbeard... :crazwhat:
@ShishioIsBack @L55
Blackbeard felt distress facing Serahawk and had to immediately resort to his Darkness Logia, yet Serahawk in the next panel looked fine - assuming Blackbeard really managed to take away Serahawk's sword, which we can only judge based on the small dark silhouette of Serahawk in the background of the next panel, how did Serahawk escape so easily from an enraged Blackbeard using Haki and his Darkness Logia, the one he searched for for decades?

Meanwhile Serahawk was the one feeling distressed when Zoro interfered with his slash, with Zoro just smirking.
This is a solid feat for Zoro, especially coming out of Wano something tells me the 5 leaders are a great deal stronger than we think they are.
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