Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Oda made Drake do a combo move with ryuo G4 too
It just shows Hybrid Lucci may have an attack on G4 tier . Same way Hybrid Drake finisher is g4 tier
Same with base kaku AP being around Zoro mid tier moves

Adcoc Luffy wihout gears will mid diff any seraphim
Roc G2/g3 (no adcoc) will low diff
G4 (no adcoc) will 2-3 shots
Base g5 low diffs

Seraphims aren't a threat to Luffy at all
Despite having tougher durability than lunarians /king
Welcome once again noodle. Always on point with powerscaling lol
Didn't they say Mera Mera has Aces presence?
Or am I missing something?
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Oda made Drake do a combo move with ryuo G4 too

It just shows Hybrid Lucci may have an attack on G4 tier . Same way Hybrid Drake finisher is g4 tier

Same with base kaku AP being around Zoro mid tier moves

Adcoc Luffy wihout gears will mid diff any seraphim

Roc G2/g3 (no adcoc) will low diff

G4 (no adcoc) will 2-3 shots

Base g5 low diffs

Seraphims aren't a threat to Luffy at all

Despite having tougher durability than lunarians /king
Hey doodle bob
Lets go with that
King's Haki was able to momentarily match Zoros Haki and prevented his sword from breaking until Zoro unlocked advCoC

King can also coat his sword in Haki which is Ryou mastery

I don't think Law's Haki is above King
But Doffy whose Haki was more or less comparable to Law was blocking Law's room attacks..King is like remarkably faster, far stronger and unpredictable than Doffy..he can literally grab Law's sword and explode and Law dies right there

About internal damage
This chapter literally confirms internal damage doesn't work on king..it does zero damage.

So Law's Kroom is also useless here isn't it?
The problem and the difficulty of beating King is not only his toughness, but the way to make him receive damage, zoro pierced his stomach, that's not toughness, and then he exploded, and even so he didn't receive damage, zoro cut him with the shi shishi sonson, and he also received no damage or pain
And King doesn't belong in that 99%
He has ability that makes him more durable than Kaido

Lunara fire is immune to internal damage as Luccis internal damage attack did nothing this chapter to Lunara S Bear

And obviously as you mentioned in previous paragraph

King is physically stronger
More durable
I'd say more versatile
King has magma which can roast Law alive and I am not even sure how Law would counter that
King has mountain sized explosion which can kill Law

Speed is best counter to Law and King can literally disappear
His CoO is adept enough to casually fight invisible raid suit sanji and grab him

Overall I am seeing King winning mid/high diff
I'm glad to see people defending King. He truly deserved his title King of the Beast Pirates, second only to the Worlds Strongest Creature. Just like Katakuri he was probably undefeated for almost 50 years.

But I still see Law taking this. Shonen Logic. Law went from Trebol to Big Mom in two weeks and now is fighting Blackbeard of all people.

Just the same way I'm sure Beckmann will fall against Kidd this time around. It's the new generations time and Marco knew it, better step back or get crushed.
Oda made Drake do a combo move with ryuo G4 too
It just shows Hybrid Lucci may have an attack on G4 tier . Same way Hybrid Drake finisher is g4 tier
Same with base kaku AP being around Zoro mid tier moves

Adcoc Luffy wihout gears will mid diff any seraphim
Roc G2/g3 (no adcoc) will low diff
G4 (no adcoc) will 2-3 shots
Base g5 low diffs

Seraphims aren't a threat to Luffy at all
Despite having tougher durability than lunarians /king
Noodle is back lmao
Almost right. Kaido acknowledged the 5 of them. Luffy obviously ranked the highest and then perhaps Zoro or Law with Kaido giving pretty little attention to Kidd and Killer that mostly fought with Big Mom anyways. If Kaido kept Ashura Douji alive for 20 years hoping he would one day become a calamity about equal to Jack, someone Kaido acknowledged as strong, he sure as hell would have wanted any of the Roof Top 5 because they all would have made All Star level. He could have had 8 all Stars all of a sudden.
True yes but at the same time most of kaido's focus, respect, and praise was going to luffy
Tho he did acknowledge them all
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