Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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I have still hope the leaker simply just hate kid and downplay him as much as they can, like they always did. Creating fake hype.
Kid must have shown some good feats.
If the Future Sight theory is right, than it's actually cool, Shanks just avoided a lot of potential casualties by going all out in the first move.

Let's wait and see.
What do Sanji fans actually gain from downplaying Mihawk? I thought portrayal showed that Zoro and Sanji are close in strenght so wouldn’t it be good for him if Zoro defeats someone stronger than Shanks?
That's the big question, isn't it :suresure:

Sanjino fans who truly believe Sanji is eternally close or equal to Zoro should have no issue gassing up Mihawk

Sadly, there are only a few of them who do
Shanks Swordsmanship = Rogers Swordsmanship :kayneshrug:

And Mihawk is better.

Time to accept 3 facts.

(1) Shanks is a Swordsman.

(2) Roger is a Swordsman & Shanks/Roger both use the same style of combat like Yamato/Kaidou.

(3) Mihawk's Swordsmanship > Roger & Shanks.

Mihawk was just not the Strongest Swordsman in Roger's Era, he is in Shanks' era.
Mihawk & Shanks being very close to Roger is a possibility now.

lol didnt take long for the conversation I mentioned a minute ago to come up @Paperchampion23
mihawk > roger debates off shanks beating kidd ...........

so easy to point out a couple things in what you said
yamato and kaido fight similarly but obviously one isnt as strong as the other .

are you judging his swordsmanship as superior to theirs based on having the similar attacks /style or is it superior cause he is stronger than both. why would you assume shanks is equal to roger's if you are judging swordsmanship based on strength and not "style" of attack. its very easy to see how going knee-deep into this swordsman bs starts to look off.
He aint fuelling shit, that's how direct he gets.

When he said Lucci > Kaku > Jabra using Doriki the fandom accepted it, they didn't continue retardation like iTs OnLy pHySiCaL sTrEnGtH.
It's the same shit here.

Ask yourself, why is there dozens of OP sources, databooks, vivre cards which all say Mihawk > Shanks and why is there not a single one which says Shanks is better.
The minute Shanks puts the sword away and uses his Haki to transform into a haki version of Godzilla, blasting opponents left and right with atomic Haki breath, every Mihawk stan will go "Oh. Sure. Shanks is stronger overall then Mihawk despite Mihawk being the stronger swordsmen".
Until then.... :pepehawk:
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