Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
shanks fought seriously and used a serious attack.
It’s low diff bare minimum.

For reference, rooftop Kaido was clowning the entire time. He admitted he didn’t get serious until he was drunk.

Oda stated Shanks is serious when you hurt his friends, which is what Kid was about to do.
He got the Act1 Luffy treatment.

Except that he isn't the MC who gets the free PU's later on.
Be happy Oda decided to not shove him aside during the BM fight and let him participate throwing metal toys at her.
Also why are zolo bitches barking about law get past shawk sbears subordinate:gokulaugh: law gonna lose but he ain’t dying y’all gonna run away just like when zkk and wank ended
I like how you think i'm a single minded person that ONLY likes Sanji.

If that helps you sleep at night, fine. Believe whatever you want, m8.

:kayneshrug:You are a hard-core sanji fan
Liking other characters won't change that

Oh yeah you hate Kidd too

That's why you are happy and saying "we finally done with these characters , doesn't matter to me. We can focus on SHs only "

Oda apostles, Zoro fans, sanji fans,...the same people
I do like that Oda gave Shanks a reason to be at Wano that wasnt superficial. I understand he and BB have beef, that shit probably will go down. But i also believe it cant go down without Luffy being involved (i.e. 3 way battle), or their fight will be simply a skirmish.

Theres no fundamental way that Oda draws a RHP vs BBP war with 10+ captains each side and have Blackbeard come out winning each fight, let alone onscreen. After this chapter that idea should have been dead and gone. Theres also the pure fact thar Luffy has way too much going on with both for either to lose before they see Luffy.

I do hope its a 3 way battle, but I wont be upset if both get their separate focus with Luffy at different times.
It was a sneak attack .
Remember kaido oden ?
Same shit just happened there.
SHanks sneaked Kid when he was prepariong his attak on the fleet. SO how was he supposed to block ?
Sneak attack or no, Kid doesnt have FS or speed to keep up with Shanks, it's the same outcome this way or the other.
I still remember @Ven437 clowning Chinjao for a 500bil bounty. This bloke is confirmed a legendary pirate who clashed with both Garp and Roger. Midd, the rookie who beat Meme, can’t even initiate a single attack before getting negged by Shanks

Time to pay your respects, Chinjao is borderline Meme level. Midd can shove his bounty up his ass

@Elder Lee Hung @MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi
Kid real bounty without inflation is around 350m tbh
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