Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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So Shanks fighting style is literally just gonna be KoH but with one sword?

Don’t kid yourself, you know Oda is gonna come up with a much more creative fighting style for his self insert. Oda didn’t even make King a swordsman
You know you can say the same shit about several big characters?

Why did Oda make Roger, the most iconic character in the entire OP verse, just a swordsman with haki?

Why will Oda make Mihawk's fighting style just KoH with one sword when we've waited decades to see him fight?
So Shanks fighting style is literally just gonna be KoH but with one sword?

Don’t kid yourself, you know Oda is gonna come up with a much more creative fighting style for his self insert. Oda didn’t even make King a swordsman

Shanks is was and always will be Mihawks bitch

The more you guys talk the more Oda makes you eat shit. How many times do you have to be embarrassed by Mihawk?

Data Book embarrassed you
AdvCoC embarrassed you
Mihawks title embarrassed you
Mihawks bounty embarrassed you
Now Shanks fighting style which was established literally the moment we saw him, embarrassed you

There is a better chance of Sanji being stronger than Luffy than Shanks being stronger than Mihawk.

And Zoro negs kidd the same way Shanks did.

Confirmed by redon

Confirmed by Arabic leakers:

Narrator: "It was this day, the Kidd Pirates lead by Eustess 'Captain' Kidd got defeated and their dreams of becoming Pirate King ended. Kidd pirates are hereby completely annihilated
Thanks to Scotch:

Chapter 1079: "The Red-Haired Yonko Pirates."
The Germa's Journey cover story ends and we're back to fan requests.

-York learns that the World Government has betrayed her, so she orders the Seraphim to kill everyone except the main body of Vegabank.
-Near Egghead Island, we see a ship with the Blackbeard Pirates' flag on it.
-The scene shifts to Elbaf.
-Kidd vs. Shanks.
-Shanks uses "Kamusari" and ends Kidd.
-Dory and Brogy destroy Kidd's ship.
-Kidd's crew submits and delivers copies of the Poneglyph.
-At the end of the chapter, we have the narrator's box and in short, "The Kidd Pirates Are Exterminated".

Rip bro got packed.

Kaido couldn’t even do that. He was just sorry.
oden got up like nothing after kamusari lol
Id wait and see how its drawn because honestly it just felt like Roger was brushing Oden aside to clash with Whitebeard. This was drawn in half a page. Depending on how its drawn (i.e. a double spread with intensity), it might be a clear difference for Shanks here.
The new generation is going to be under Luffy when the final war against the WG arrives

pirate king isn’t the endgame

law and Kid will join under Luffy to fight the WG when Shanks and teach have already been killed
Sure, but like, what they did with Kidd in this chapter is like... Trashing the character entirely, really brutal.

I'm happy that I'm not a Kidd fan because damn... Too brutal.
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