Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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So Shanks fighting style is literally just gonna be KoH but with one sword?

Don’t kid yourself, you know Oda is gonna come up with a much more creative fighting style for his self insert. Oda didn’t even make King a swordsman
Sure, King had mediocre swordsmanship while having fire abilities and his Zoan, which gave him flying slashes via his wings and his laser like beak.

Though yeah, I agree, I wouldn't be surprised if Oda comes up with something like Shanks materializing his CoC into weapons.
oden got up like nothing after kamusari lol
Oden just a different dude and tbh.. I dont think Roger had the intention to defeat or kill Oden either. It was sort of like to show him what hes about and to respect him. Shanks had every intent to crumble Kidd and his whole crew.
Mid's New World Pirate career:
- Steal a Road Poneglyph from Meme under her nose (even Brook did it)
- Lose his arm to Benn Beckman
- Get rekt by Crydo
- Get enslaved by Crydo
- His 1st mate is forced to eat a faulty SMILE and serve Orochi
- His 1st mate is defeated by (starving) Zolo
- Almost get executed by Queen
- He (+ Low) somehow defeat Big Meme by chance
- Lose the Emperor replacement spot to some rich clown
- Couldn't beat Apoo
- Get rekt by Shanks

Did I get everything?
Seem like he only ever accomplished something against Big Meme... really make you think...
Can I steal this post?
Shanks above Kaido?Dragon above Sakazuki?Old Garp stronger than an active admiral?Mihawk weaker than Shanks?nahhh,this is bullshit.
If you still think Oda is gonna make Shanks weaker than Crydo, idk what to say to you. Why can’t Old Garp be Admiral level? Prime Garp has much more hype than mere Admirals
"Roughly a 100 pirate crews have fallen to me throughout my career. During which, I have not suffered a single loss. Not even once.
And just one time, there was a fool from that idiot Kaido's crew who came at me, boasting about his "superior lunarian genes" or whatever. Kaido's most important deputy, whom he wanked all the time.

And then...I smashed through his defense and destroyed his mask.
He slinked back to Wano with his tail between his legs.

But I did not feel satisfied. Something inside me wanted something more, something greater.
It was then that Blackbeard came to me. I could see the fire in his eyes, a fire as chaotic as mine.
That day, me and my old crew decided to join him.

~ Stede Vane, the 10th Titanic Captain of Blackbeard ~
Mihawk could stalemate denjiro while shanks fight prime roger and whitebeard at the same time and mihawk fans would be salivating at how good shanks makes mihawk lol
Stop crying you are relying on over decade old material in war Mihawk had no intention to try
Shanks was serious about stopping that war at any cost. He went all out with his haki to scare off GB and now even used a named attack with adcoc to defeat Kid.
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