One Piece Chapter 1090: "Admiral Kizaru"

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If saturn see people as insects, why he said to doberman doesnt do nothing against bonney? "She is just a girl"
I cant understanding this kuma secret
Good chance just like Arlong got freed by Jinbe, a part of kumas deal with the WG to be a warlord is her protection. And now that the warlords are gone and Kumas dead, she’s just another girl and not worth being targeted or protected.
Good chance just like Arlong got freed by Jinbe, a part of kumas deal with the WG to be a warlord is her protection. And now that the warlords are gone and Kumas dead, she’s just another girl and not worth being targeted or protected.
So.. Why was she worried about an admiral coming and saved St Carlos from zoro on sabbody?
Saturn - "Humans are no different than insects, even if their number drops, they'll reproduce again."

Hint at Gorosei/Imu not being human?

There’s an old theory that all celestial dragons (including Gorosei) are people who used to live on the moon but then moved down to Earth

that would explain why they prefer to live on an elevated land like the Red Line, as well their as their bubble helmets (similiar to Astronauts)

Their designs are also undoubtedly based off the “King of the Moon” from the movie “Baron Munchausen”

Unrelated, but Van Auger’s design is also inspired by a character from that same movie too.
Bro, no needing to sexualyze everything

S-Boa is only a child, and she "loves" Luffy like children can love their dog, mom, dad, sister, uncle, primary school teacher, best firends ecc ecc
Youve come up with bs to try and explain whats very obvious , its clear she favors him in the same manner hancock did .

nothing was sexualized , neither was the sort mentioned or addressed in my post.
matter of fact you are the one who just manufactured that.