Honestly if Kaku and Jabra were introduced at the same time without the Doriki shit, I think most Zoro bros would've prefered Jabra over Kaku
Tho I don’t mind at all with it changing to Lucci and kaku vs zoro and sanji instead post timeskip. They fit more as stereotypical zoro sanji villains anyway

In real early concept of enies lobby kaku was originally planned to be a fight for sanji. Meaning jabra was more likely than not supposed to be zoro's fight

Sanji vs kaku making sense because like alot of sanji's opponents kaku is one of the more silly members of the group. Both in personality and design.
Along with original just not being a swordsman and mainly specializing in his kicks which he still kinda does tbh
Zoro vs jabra making sense because he was supposed to be one the more serious sides of things like alot of zoro's opponent's. His design being more typically seen as badass in comparison to kaku.
On top of that he also shares parallels to lucci aka luffy's fight like alot of zoro opponents also do. Jabra being a carnivorous zoan and leading his own group of cp9. If he fought zoro he would have definitely been made a swordsman