One Piece Chapter 1098: "Bonney's birth"

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Is the Dragon cope still going on or did the remaining fans of him already sold the stocks?
I mean, I am sure the guy must be strong, but I think of him as a coward now the same way I used to hype him before this chapter.
The art was way better that what I expected. Now what is this illness? Is it Imu's power and that's why he can't leave the castle and is dressed in long black robes?
“Erkek, Akainu is on board”
>You waking up from a nightmare


Too bad this clown think WB is scared of fodder Larines.

Lakainu not following Teach instead chitchatting Bonney knowing that he is saved from his duty to die vs him. :milaugh:

Gets scolded due to BB's superior leadership

Can't do shit again.

Only clowns like you wake up from that if Teach decides to make a quick work of Lakainu. :kuzanshut:
This symbol appears only with joyboy/dawn pirates ancient allies:

- Alabasta = Lily (spread the poneglyphs and she was a D)
- Kozuki = the clan forged the poneglyphs and hid pluton
- Fishman Island = the promise to Poseidon
- Shandorarians = left eye of Jaya
- Buccaneers church
- Minks = Ponegylph chamber in giant tree
- Giants probably
- Ancient Oni?

- Lunarians in the middle as the gods?
@NikaInParis #5,046 yeah i pointed out her strength and speed feats, not only did she survive paradise but she became a supernova, her crew overall seems relatively weak so her status was all from her own achievements. i assume she has base hakis being in the nw since whoever knows how long as she stated shes been to egghead before.
Her bounty likely has more to do with her connection to that one Celestial Dragon + Kuma and Ginny, considering that Akainu personally went out to retreive her