Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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i hope kuma had time-traveling semen that some how impregnated ginny

or ginny held kumas kid in her belly for 2 years like ace’s mother did….

please anything to retcon the obvious :josad:
Idk they seem to think one piece being dark is new but fact of the matter is every arc since romance dawn had dark undertones

Everything from child slavery to blatant racism

And if they think this is the first time oda hinted at sexual assault they are mistaken

On the one hand there's people denying it's Oda trying to write berserk on the other hand it's people pretending they always knew recent flashback is like berserk.
My issue is that we know celestials will eventually get redeemed cause this is OP

But their is literally nothing redeeming about them so the more Oda does this, the more later when they get redeemed it’ll be worse then Obito
You actually cant read like at all, Oda already showed that their are good people among them like Doffy's father, Corazon and Myosgard but that doesnt mean theyll get redeemed lamoooo especially with how thongs are going right now. Oda is doing the most to shownus that as a group, theyre iredeemable
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