Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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Remember when this was what people were saying about the end of WCI

why did Sanji just decide to leave Zeff to whatever fate big mom deemed? Don’t worry it doesn’t matter

why didn’t Sanji’s cake knock Big mom out like he said it would? Meh at least no one got killed by her anyway

what’s going to be the tragic sacrifice Jimbei and his crew make to let the strawhats escape? Nothing

what happens to the Vinsmokes who also sacrificed themselves for the strawhats? Nothing

what about Sanji’s entire conflict regarding his self worth and his Families beliefs that his genetic inferiority makes him lesser? Don’t worry, his Germa genes will come in later

Maybe you weren’t on these forums back then and have not come across the general dissatisfaction around the end of WCI and the the immediate following defenses like “it’s intentionally bittersweet” made by Fans… when in reality it was all simply that Oda was ignoring the dark aspects of the ending of his arc
I mean the Zeff thing got addressed in Sanji’s and Reiju’s conversation. I get that a lot of people didn’t think enough was done with that plotline but it definitely did addressed

And the way I interpreted the ending to the conflict with Sanji’s self-worth is that Germa’s toxic mindset straight-up isn’t worth engaging with or taking seriously, especially with how Luffy just didn’t understand Judge’s rant against Sanji at the end. Sanji’s surrounded by friends who genuinely care about him, and as such he doesn’t need to give a shit about his family’s opinion on him
Bro exactly! You just know most of these people threatening to leave don't even read the official :suresure:

Oda really could care less.
I have seen that weekly since I joined here. Recently many didn't because the chapters were action packed now when it is lore time, these people threatning to drop the manga is like a homeless man threatning a donor that he'd not eat his food. 🤣
You actually cant read like at all, Oda already showed that their are good people among them like Doffy's father, Corazon and Myosgard but that doesnt mean theyll get redeemed lamoooo especially with how thongs are going right now. Oda is doing the most to shownus that as a group, theyre iredeemable
on this forum they don't care, what they want is the agenda why do you think they care more about Dragon than Kuma in his story it's simply the agenda
I honestly believe that reaching 100 kgs is way more difficult than getting abs.
Depends on body type and lifestyle choices. To gain more weight slow down metalbolism and eat a lot more. Don't have appetite? Exercise more or become more active to increase your appetite.

For example exercising a lot will make you more hungry, you eat more, you gain more weight.
Not exercising for a while, muscles turn to fat, if you keep same eating habits as before you keep gaining.
You will see a lot of former athletes seem obese after they stop exercising and eat same way as before.

A lot to do with determination too, depending on what you want to achieve. And I am sure height will play a role, taller individuals will have it easier to surpass specific weight.

Why do you want to gain weight?

On the one hand there's people denying it's Oda trying to write berserk on the other hand it's people pretending they always knew recent flashback is like berserk.
Considering this is almost just like what happened in the Eclipse, it's pretty obvious what Oda's doing.
That being said the problem isn't even that he's blatantly taking pages from that book, it's that he always does the same shit with these flashbacks but now it's even worse because instead of just killing Ginny he had her be raped for years (and by the ugliest fucks on the planet at that, not that hot people raping you makes it okay though, but still) and the baby carried her illnesses.
And it's like, will he ever write another good female character?
One that serves an actual purpose besides just being fanservice or fuel to someone else's trauma.
And honestly I think the answer to that is no. Which is why I'm dropping it.
No idea why people can't respect that decision.
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