Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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That's the thing, I said earlier Oda himself admitted to omitting that part from Dressrosa because it wasn't fit for a children's manga. So it wasn't really a part of the story. Not sure why he changed his mind on that now.
Dressrosa was/is a NTR paradise image you forget your spouse, get new girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife and suddenly you remeber your partner; the same for the toys they are watching how there loved one are dating/fucking other people and can do nothing but watch
Like I said Oda does this a lot and with pretty much every single group. Dragon is just held back via plot otherwise he could've just teleported to the Holy land with Kuma and nuke the country.
Well let's agree to disagree about that since it's obvious Dragon will do some "redeeming" stuff later on but again, I see valid reasons to criticise Dragon's credibility as a leader. Imagine Garp just sitting on his desk while Coby is left abandoned for his fate.

That's what Dragon did with Ginny.
What surprise me the most is that bonney didn't came out ugly so clearly the Celestial dragon who gave Jinny the pounding can't be totally hideous shoutout to him
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