Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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I feel like I’m the only one that isn’t seeing the Luffy wank

Maybe it’s cause I’m a Luffy fan but I feel like he hasn’t actually gotten much in a while

He’s been in the corner eating McDonald’s since November

Saturn (probably)

"right wing of the pirate king" still on his left overs for the last 12 chapters
"Left wing of the pirate king" still really just running around
"fourth fin of the pirate king" on his way to help out the right wing
Robin randomly sleeping
Nami, Ussopp, Brooke, chopper doing what?
Wranky rn looking like the most useful dude in the crew

Luffy rn carrying a entire Yonko crew on his back. I'd say we as Luffy fans got spoiled by Oda this arc all things considered, although it ain't enough, need more (Saturn) Luffy fans eye on the prize is surpassing Kaido :kata:
It's all about expectations management tbh
Memes aside I'm perfectly fine with Zoro's performance and roles in this arc, just wishing Oda would show him a little bit more
Jinbei breaking up the fight would be a massive let down tho, I'm fine with Zoro struggling against Lucci but him needing Jinbei's help, nuh uh not my GOAT
That's fair tbh, I can understand wanting to see more from your favorite character

I think if he gets a complete fight against Lucci (or at least part of a chapter is dedicated to their brawl) then he's already had enough to do for the arc

I just think Luffy's accomplishments are heavily overstated to downplay what other characters get

He's been down for months and almost watched Bonney die in front of him. He really isn't as beloved as some people seem to think he is
I've just figured it out, the massive shadows back in thriller bark covered by the mist, the ancient robot, Oars, Little Oars Junior!

The Ancient Robot summoned the surviving Ancient Giants!
He'll fight Saturn. Kizaru is a no diff for him. One punch he was down, another one here is almost out one last punch and its Borsalinover.
I don't think Oda would have Kizaru get back up just to get one shot lol

The fight might not be super long but it'll be a couple chapters at the very least
Here's what I got:

Vegapunk gets seriously injured by Saturn. Luffy sees this, and is really mad at Saturn. Luffy goes to attack Saturn, and Kizaru attacks Luffy, but is blocked by Sanji, who tells Luffy he'll fight Sanji. Luffy agrees.

Luffy fights the boss of the enemies the Straw Hats fight; we know from Kizaru's behavior towards Kizaru that he views himself as inferior. So, Luffy is fighting Saturn. Luffy also fights for emotional reasons, especially when someone he made a promise with is hurt. Since Luffy promised to get Vegapunk off, he'll be furious at Saturn for attacking him.

Sanji will attack Kizaru, because Kizaru just attacked Bonney in the rocket. This is a fun match up, because Kizaru is a mirror of Sanji here; a kick based fighter who feels like a "corporate slave", and is "just following orders", almost like he's programmed. Sanji feared being a tool for a madman who used science to destroy people and viewed humans and life as disposable (Judge). Kizaru has the freedom that Sanji was worried he'd lose, and is using it to hurt his family and loved ones, like Bonney, rather than protect them, while serving Saturn, a monster who uses mindless clones to murder just like Sanji's father.

With the Seraphim, why did Oda offscreen them fighting before? Simple, to save it for now. Is Oda really going to hold back the Seraphim at the climax? Nah. Blackbeard Pirates break them out, and Zoro and Jinbei deal with S-Hawk and S-Shark while Lucci and Kaku clash with Laffitte and Catarina. S-Snake and S-Bear run off to Luffy and Bonney, breaking programming.

There's no other enemies in the upper lab free besides Lucci. Why send Jinbei up there just to bring Zoro back? Because Oda's leading Jinbei to the Seraphim. Using the Seraphim and Blackbeard Pirates to divide the Straw Hats' strongest fighters will keep the battle suspenseful, since Bonney can now control the Pacifista. Franky, Bonney, Atlas, and maybe Kuma will join in to help with Saturn, and Kizaru, as well. Only a matter of time before we see full Nika Bonney (I'm hoping for a combo-punch with her and Luffy).

Zoro first fought an Admiral in Dressrosa, an arc where the main enemy, Doflamingo, was a Celestial Dragon, and the victim character, Law, had lost his family due to a disease caused by the WG (Celestial Dragons) covering up the toxciity of Amber Lead, mirroring Sanji first fighting an Admiral in Egghead, as arc where the main enemy, Saturn, is a Celestial Dragon, and the victim character, Bonney, lost her family due to Sapphire Scale.

Finally, what did Sanji say to Kuma, Bonney's father? That in the future, out of all the Straw Hats, he'd cause the Marines the most problems. The check's due, chef. Show me what you're cooking.
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