Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1107 Spoilers Discussion

How shocked is Kizaru at "the Power of Love"

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Kaidou is above King. So it doesn't matter what are seraphims made of. And seraphims are not just made of King genes.
And Doesn't matter. No one able to do a shit on panel be it Luffy or Zoro or Lucci or Kaku when they took on Bear and Hawk. Only Sanji scratched at surface level.
Luffy fought Kaidou 1 vs 1 majority of time and he 'defeated' him in a 1 vs 1.
1st thing Kaidou never went down in Solo effort. So get that idea of 1v1 out of your mind.

That's my fuckin point yo even begin with. Oda stalls when he want to , neither luffy or zoro needed to waste 12 hours on seraphims. Yet oda did it for whatever reasons he had.
Same goes with Lucci vs Zoro , they are literally off panelled and No attacks ever shown to us.

If you're gonna call , zoro vs Lucci extreme diff when its nothing but stalling so far. Same goes for Luffy vs lucci and Luffy vs S-bear , but nobody bats an eye there.
Zoro already beat a superior version of Serpahim. But luffy has no record of beating any Lunarian.
Zoro on rooftop was well capable to tag kaidou and damage him with ryou only.
You think lucci is stronger , tougher than Kaidou?
All the best with that
@SakazOuki So, since you are both an Ousen and Renpa wanker, let's hear your take on this one. Let's say: Ousen invades Zhao and conquers a few cities, Renpa is tasked by the Zhao king to go stop him. The two finally meet in the battlefield, both have 100k men at their disposal and the battle starts.
Who takes it?
More likely than not Ousen will cook a scenario where he has the advantage, that’s the only chance this type of generals has at beating someone like Renpa. If no such advantage is established then Renpa is more likely to win.
Overall Ousen >~ Renpa I’d say
You are in denial.

First, you are probably ignoring or forgetting that the whole spoiler scene has been delayed and everything is posted 24h later.

This is due to the arrest of OPscans source in Japan so now, leakers are playing it safely.

- Redon hints and reaction on Monday instead of Sunday
- Pew's short spoilers on Tuesday night instead of Monday night
- Redon's summary on Wednesday night instead of Tuesday night
- Raws on Thursday instead of Wednesday

No, it didn't take him "so long", the spoiler scene is delayed on purpose. @Pew told us about it days ago.

@Lance_Dragonite will summarize the chapter himself today at night normally.

Pew's spoilers are always legit and they were confirmed by Redon, you just don't get to question that.
and it will be like that for a long time , thanks Pringles
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