Pringles, I am not comparing the Admiral framing at all. That wasnt even my post and isnt even my point. Oda uses VERY clear key framing with protagonist vs enemy in foreground/background to jusitfy matchups. I can give you a 1000 fucking examples (by the way "DO-OOOM" in english is the same as "DON" or "どん" or "ドン" in japanese so compare accordingly):
And these are just the ones I pulled out of my ass, they exist literally everywhere in this story and also exist where the villain is in the foreground a myriad of times outside of the ones I have shared.

And these are just the ones I pulled out of my ass, they exist literally everywhere in this story and also exist where the villain is in the foreground a myriad of times outside of the ones I have shared.
Use your brain for a second, Luffy doesn't need Sanji to fight Kizaru, stop embarrassing yourself
Also, you are objectively wrong
DOOM simply is added for dramatic effect, it doesn't imply a confrontation at all

You are selecting the panels you want to show to make an argument and ignore the remaining 90% of panels where "DOOM" effect was added
You are using the same ways than the ones who justify Luffy vs Kizaru based on some Shonen Jump Covers but ignore the 1359137915 remaining ones that contradict their argument
Stop embarrassing yourself
If we follow your logic
Luffy fought volcanoes after this panel:

Luffy fought the people who were in front of him here:

Luffy, Zoro and Nami teamed up against Blackbeard here:

Gorosei faced Imu here:

Franky, Vegapunk, Sanji, Bonney and Atlas teamed up against Saturn:
Marco faced the people who were in front of him here:

Luffy fought Ghost Town citizens here:

Kuma fought the Sabaody Trees here: