Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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You all know what i'm very curious about?

New form of Saturn.

Based on Lucci case - he has:

- human initial form,
- animal form,
- hybrid form,
- the form of an awakened hybrid.

So - in the case of Saturn, we have so far seen a human form and an awakened hybrid form.

But a question should be asked here - is it possible that the flames and aura surrounding Rob are also visible in his old hybrid form?

We don't know - and if i remember correctly, we don't have another case that could help us find out.

I ask myself these questions - because now there are two possible scenarios:

- the new form is the spider form,

- if the statement about Lucci is true - then so far we have seen the form of a normal Saturn hybrid and not an awakened one,

Which would mean that he was only now using his most powerful form.

New form is Charizard.
Flying spider
Just to put it out there what are the dream scenarios in current context that each fanbase would have:

Luffy: Beat Kizaru and Saturn in a 2v1
Zoro: One shot Lucci and then fight Kizaru in a 1v1 and let Luffy 1v1 Saturn
Sanji: Rescue VP and then come back to help Luffy 2v2
Jinbe: Go to Zoro and take over fight against Lucci or go to Luffy and help Luffy
Admiral/Kizaru: Idk, its a 2v1 at the moment, and him beating Luffy 1v1 looks bleak atm, some Admiral fans can probably help in what would be the best for their agenda
Gorosei/Yonko fans: Saturn gets to fight Luffy 1v1 while Kizaru is relegated to fight Zoro/Sanji etc.
Kid/Law: Hope for Zoro looking bad, they can't compete against Luffy and Sanji fans don't really challenge theses bottom feeders (cause they already know Sanji is below them)

Please tell how would you like the plot to progress for your fav.
@Pringles @BillSlipton @SakazOuki @EmperorKinyagi @Tejas @Boiroy @DonWick @Fleet Leader Fenaker @HA001
Sanji suffers too much lol.

With that said, this arc is making it even more obvious thar zoro is NOWHERE NEAR luffy's strength.

About time people should accept that Luffy and Nika are 2 different characters. Luffy is the human being who kept being rescued in Rooftop and almost vaporized from Hakai
While Nika is immortal laughing clown appeared out of nowhere that can suddenly 1 vs 2ing Top Tiers
Also are people angry that luffy doing Yonko level shit .
Kaido took on 16 fucking people .
Shanks KO Law and Killer in one hit .
Took two awaken users to take down BM and even then they did not full beat her in a power battle.
WB was sick as hell and having heart attack and still take on admirals , in end the man take on people with half a face .
Shit even Shiki take on Sengoku and Garp .
Luffy stopping a attack from both don't mean he can beat them both at the same time .
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