Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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Kitetsu Wanker
Good lord do I find these Devil Fruits among Gorosei shitty... :crazwhat:
Super disappointed how they look in hybrid forms, all incompatible with what is needed to be good in CQC.
They only look cool in full Zoan forms but those are the most incompetent...
I seriously hope Venus sticks to base form the most when it's time to get clapped by Zori.

Practicing self-sabotage, eh Shiroyru-chin?


@HA001 @Cruxroux @mly90 @nik87 WTF LOL
No, he does not. :goyea:
Hardening is a common thing.

One sided in favor of Mihawk.
We can try Shiryu vs Venus threads with poll just to see how many people will fail because of Supreme Janitor. :ihaha:
The ulti one was thicker. You are done

You sank @EmperorKinyagi before he sailed out...
Saw that. There's a difference b/w it appearing near the sword and it coming out of the sword, buddy. The latter is what needs to happen for it to be CoC coating, but it's definitely CoC though.
Just stop please

Zoro never uses basic coc consciously

coc unleashing can't amplify your attack unless you applied it on your attack which is CoC coating
Zoro used it


Like the chapter even more after reading Marco's translation. Gotta point out it's funny that even Marco is taking shots at Ledon in his TLs :suresure:

Gonna be hilarious witnessing episode #10927372 of powerscalers being frustrated they can't accurately powerscale an unpowerscalable manga :finally:

Other than that, I'm still holding out hope (albeit very faint at this point) for a Dragon and/or Grand Fleet appearance on Egghead.
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