Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1112 Spoilers Discussion

What did Mars see?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
@MarineHQ @SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @HA001
this killed me man, Sorry for Kaido bros but this is legit funny 😭😭
He fought Oden, Luffy, Big Mom in one arc. We know he fought in God Valley as well. And most of his flashback we didnt see so he probably fought more people to raise up his reputation, how do you think he got that reputation in the first place if he fought nobody.

Also no top tier really fights other top tier in this show except for Akainu who fought Aokiji, and lately Garp vs Aokiji and Luffy vs Kizaru. The rest just sits in their spot doing next to nothing.

I mean even Mihawk fights nobody, we dont even know how he became WSS and who he fought for it. Last time he fought Shanks was 12 years ago well before Shanks became a top tier himself.

So I feel its unfair to troll Kaido like this when literally almost everyone else does the same.

And lastly he isnt scared of Shanks thats straight up a lie lmao. In fact we never saw him scared of anybody, not even Roger.
And ran from Shanks


↑ エース救出に向かう白ひげの首を取らんと画策!制止した赤髪と衝突するなど、好戦的。
The skirmish with the "Four Emperors" Kaidou happened only yesterday!

↑ He plots to take the head of Whitebeard, who is on his way to rescue Ace! He is belligerent, clashing with Red Hair who stopped him.


When were you under the impression this game is..
And ran from Shanks
We dont know the context of what happened there, its not like Kaido is the type to turn down a fight and he is no coward.

The WORLD STRONGEST which the only dude he fought was Oden and almost lost lol.
Read my last post, you are being super disingenuine right now.

He wasnt the know as the strongest then anyways.
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