Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

Which Gorosei Will Zoro fight?

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Bro the Luke-Vader fight is cool, but the way Vader and the Emperor go out is so trash.

Evil sith emperor and star wars final boss gets thrown down an ELEVATOR shaft.

Darth Vader loses one of his mechanical hands, gets shocked for 5 seconds, and fucking dies.
I mean, it made sense when the original movies were the only thing to exist.
You doubt we will learn how to bypass their regeneration?

or you doubt weak characters will have access to the ability to bypass their regeneration?

because it’s very likely both with happen… The method of bypassing their regen will not be about strength… It will be some kind of specific gimmick… and I bet you it will be a gimmick that ANYONE will be able to do regardless of power level
It's probably just going to be something like cutting them apart and throwing them into the water
It doesnt make sense if they got the scars after they became immortal.
They regen everything ranging from fire, stabs, laser beams, decapitation, explosions, AdCoC and AdCoA attacks by Luffy, etc...
Uhh we haven’t seen adv coc attack on them yet? We can assume Advcoa for sure has been used especially since luffy used red rock on warcury head but he hasn’t started using Advcoc yet.

All the things you mention working on them and they not giving a care in the world to dodge to me at least only back up that adv coc is the answer “haki transcends ALL”
Uhh we haven’t seen adv coc attack on them yet? We can assume Advcoa for sure has been used especially since luffy used red rock on warcury head but he hasn’t started using Advcoc yet.

All the things you mention working on them and they not giving a care in the world to dodge to me at least only back up that adv coc is the answer “haki transcends ALL”
Goofy said nothing works against them, he used everything he has. Brook cut one of Saturn's legs and I assume it grew back so not even his soul shit works.
Zoro's hellfire is the last hope to hurt these guys.
Uhh we haven’t seen adv coc attack on them yet? We can assume Advcoa for sure has been used especially since luffy used red rock on warcury head but he hasn’t started using Advcoc yet.

All the things you mention working on them and they not giving a care in the world to dodge to me at least only back up that adv coc is the answer “haki transcends ALL”
If Luffy says he used everything but nothing works, Im gonna assume he used AdCoC too, but Oda might be tweaking.
Unless there's higher levels to AdCoC itself that Luffy hasnt reached yet.
I guess we'll see how Oda will resolve it.
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