Translation: "Oda has me on a string and I'm mega ass mad he won't gimme the REVEEEELS"

Yes I tend to enjoy actual plot in the series I read.
Shabondy was so much better than this shit. “Ace is going to be executed in a week.” We immediately knew what was happening and why we should care. And it set the stakes and reasons for us heading into the final war.
This message was so pointlessly vague, I’m not even sure why anyone would come to the conclusion that the Government is responsible. Which I’m assuming is what Oda wants? I mean he wants the whole world to go to the war with the WG right?
But then Vegapunk doesn’t even mention the WG as the cause for the seas rising. Nor does Vegapunk mention that the WG is participating in this unspecified war.
Literally if I’m a random citizen around the OP world, my reaction to Vegapunk’s speech would be “? Cool story bro?” Like what was even the point of this.
Vegapunk should’ve explicitly told the entire world that the world government is planning to kill them and is on the wrong side of this war. Then at least we would be properly set up for the EOS war.
Now it’s just like…something is happening…I guess. What’s really happening? I don’t know, but Roger knew. And did you know that Joyboy is the first pirate?
Oda literally can’t even tell a functioning story anymore.