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The only one who can beat me is me
He literally said except Akainu being maybe Yonko level lol, so youre just reiterating his point.
Ok and the other Admirals were super duper casual. Kizaru was trolling WB and you're tryna tell me a neutral opinion was yea this guy isn't imposing? Obviously not.

I used to think Marco was Admiral lvl, that doesn't mean the Admirals weren't imposing, it just meant Marco was impressive for being able to tango with them.


Lead them to paradise.
Ok and the other Admirals were super duper casual. Kizaru was trolling WB and you're tryna tell me a neutral opinion was yea this guy isn't imposing? Obviously not.

I used to think Marco was Admiral lvl, that doesn't mean the Admirals weren't imposing, it just meant Marco was impressive for being able to tango with them.
You think the Gorosei are going all out right now?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Tbh, I don't think we should make it Admirals vs Gorosei or Yonkou agenda

It's oda whose at fault with his inconsistent bad portrayals

So called WSC got seriously injured by yc of WB and Roger pirates. Failed to kill Scabbards

Sengoku and Garp went toe to toe with BB who was ready to take on the navy and then the same BB backs off seing Akainu and Rayleigh

Mihawk should have finished vista in one blow

Shanks got scarred for life by non Yami BB and then goes around snitching about BB despite being a yonkou himself - he felt BB posed big threat but he didn't do shit till now to stop this threat from rising

Akainu goes on rampage alone against all the allies and YCs of WB pirates and was ready to kill them if they didn't move - yet, the moment shanks appeared he stopped immediately....he had two more admirals to back him up duh...

5 elders are struggling to get job done

Don't wanna start with Big mom at all

Tbh, we can have agenda wars but oda hasn't done great work with the characters.

He has found stupidest of ways to stall or nerf or to hold characters for the plot at the cost of the portrayals of those characters.

You can find reasons behind it..try to justify it..but in the end it was oda who was supposed to deliver which he didn't
I wouldn't say he's a devoted fan he's a devoted friend, the two of them began their military journey together, despite how they started they eat together, work together and train together every day Helmeppo wants to protect Koby's dream and he knows Koby as the potential to achieve that dream. Helmeppo knows deep down he won't live up to Kobys potential and he probably won't reach the same heights but it's not his strength or status that make him my favorite it's the way he learned that he doesn't have to rely on his father he doesn't have to live in his father's shadow or be like his father or cry to his father when he gets into trouble. Helmeppo is not only a true friend to Koby and everyone else at Sword he is a true man
This is how it looked before. But not now. Helmeppo is more interesting than Coby from a psychological point of view. As a person who left a toxic parent, he essentially learned to live, love, and respect from scratch. He doesn't matter now without Coby. Absolutely his whole personality is reduced to Coby. At 100%.

Compare it to the duet of Smoker and Tashigi. They are boss and subordinate, but the more we see them, the more equal their relationship becomes. Tashigi can even make a remark to Smoker. She's minding her own business, she's late etc, and Smoker encourages her to be herself in every possible way. Moreover, that's the only thing he wants her to do—to follow her own principles.


The only one who can beat me is me
You think the Gorosei are going all out right now?
I think the gorosei are fighting for their lives rn. The very fact that all gorosei are on this island, the very fact that the gorosei got up off their asses, means by default they are fighting for their lives.

This is why it's embarassing. There's no, oh yea they're not worried, or they're just chilling. Like Mihawk during MF or something. These dudes are not supposed to be out and about.


Lead them to paradise.
Tbh, I don't think we should make it Admirals vs Gorosei or Yonkou agenda

It's oda whose at fault with his inconsistent bad portrayals

So, called WSC got seriously injured by yc of WB and Roger pirates. Failed to kill Scabbards

Sengoku and Garp went to toe to toe with BB who was ready to take on the navy and then the same BB backs off seing Akainu and Rayleigh

Mihawk should have finished vista in one blow

Shanks got scarred for life by non Yami BB and then goes around snitching about BB despite being a yonkou himself - he felt BB posed big threat but he didn't do shit till now to stop this threat from rising

Akainu goes on rampage alone against alll the allies and YCs of WB pirates and was ready to kill them if they didn't move - yet, the moment shanks appeared he stopped immediately....he had two more admirals duh to back him up

5 elders are struggling to get job done

Don't wanna start with Big mom at all

Tbh, we can have agenda wars but oda hasn't done great work with the characters.

He has found stupidest of ways to stall or nerf or to hold characters for the plot at the cost of the portrayals of those characters.

You can find reasons behind it..try to justify it..but in the end it was oda who was supposed to deliver which he didn't
The real issue is that the Elders did their job lol, their primary goals are all achieved. Now theyre trying to stop the Broadcast with the exception of Venusjuro whose trying to kill the main characters, of course he wont succeed.
Where the fuck is Kizaru? Is he still sleeping?catded

I know some are saying wait until the message ends because that is when he will finally do something, but honestly at this point he should do something now.

Vegapunk is now doing pointless yapping, I don't think Kizaru needs to wait until the message is over to do something.:kizawat:


Lead them to paradise.
I think the gorosei are fighting for their lives rn. The very fact that all gorosei are on this island, the very fact that the gorosei got up off their asses, means by default they are fighting for their lives.

This is why it's embarassing. There's no, oh yea they're not worried, or they're just chilling. Like Mihawk during MF or something. These dudes are not supposed to be out and about.
So you think they are going all out then, this is the issue lol. I dont.

They didnt use a single named attack nor displayed their monstruous Haki that Jimbei and others have hyped up, also they barely attacked the straw hats and co. Mostly occupied by the Broadcast.

Anyways since we disagree about them going all out this conversation is pointless lol.

They can be trying their best without going all out you know.

Mihawk literally said he wont hold back against fodder Luffy lol. This is a bad example bro.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
This is how it looked before. But not now. Helmeppo is more interesting than Coby from a psychological point of view. As a person who left a toxic parent, he essentially learned to live, love, and respect from scratch. He doesn't matter now without Coby. Absolutely his whole personality is reduced to Coby. At 100%.

Compare it to the duet of Smoker and Tashigi. They are boss and subordinate, but the more we see them, the more equal their relationship becomes. Tashigi can even make a remark to Smoker. She's minding her own business, she's late etc, and Smoker encourages her to be herself in every possible way. Moreover, that's the only thing he wants her to do—to follow her own principles.
I get what you mean, Helmeppo needs to be his own person but right now he seemingly only exist to boost up Koby


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
No they are called "Saints".

A saint: a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous

They are the most goodest people in the world, trying to capture the evil pirates.
:endthis:If people would stop breaking the law there would be no need for mass genocide


The only one who can beat me is me
So you think they are going all out then, this is the issue lol. I dont.

They didnt use a single named attack no displayed their monstruous Haki that Jimbei and others have hyped up, also they barely attacked the straw hats and co. Mostly occupied by the Broadcast.

Anyways since we disagree about them going all out this conversation is pointless lol.

They can be trying their best without going all out you know.

Mihawk literally said he wont hold back against fodder Luffy lol. This is a bad example bro.
I think they look bad because they don't have an excuse as they are fighting for their lives.

They're sweating brother, this ain't a joke to them they can't afford to be slowed down, every second matters. Idc about all out showings, I'm saying this is an embarrassment for sweaty top tiers. If you're gonna sweat you better not be stalled by fodders.
So you think they are going all out then, this is the issue lol. I dont.

They didnt use a single named attack no displayed their monstruous Haki that Jimbei and others have hyped up, also they barely attacked the straw hats and co. Mostly occupied by the Broadcast.

Anyways since we disagree about them going all out this conversation is pointless lol.

They can be trying their best without going all out you know.

Mihawk literally said he wont hold back against fodder Luffy lol. This is a bad example bro.
LenZU is just trying too hard. :risitavirus:
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