I don't think that the story will deliver with them either unfortunately
- Dragon (and Sabo) is going after the the WG and God Knights (i.e why Imu and Garling are on the list)
- Ryokugyuu (and by extension Akainu) has talked about fighting the RHP in the future
- Shanks hates Blackbeard and vice versa
- Luffy hates Blackbeard and vice versa
- Shanks needs Luffy for "something"
- Akainu hates everyone, as does Imu lol
- Buggy is trying to swindle basically everyone on this list to be PK
- Luffy is likely essential to at least Blackbeard and Imu's defeats
- Dragon and Akainu potentially have history now that Dragon was confirmed a marine and both are the same age.
- Koby is probably tied to Kuzan for the event with Garp
- Garp (while not shown), is what ties Blackbeard to the Marines and to the RA (Dragon).
Like, the setup for all of this nuts when you think about all of the character relationships these days. I personally hope Elbaf and potentially this silhouetted man (if hes the villain) lasts only 2-3 years, so we can get to this massive endgame thatll probably never fucking end