Who did More to capture Garp?

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Title: The Grand Reveal of Shanks: Mastermind, Aizen, Kira, and... Jigsaw!?

The Straw Hat crew is sailing calmly on the Thousand Sunny. The waves are peaceful, the sky is clear, and everyone is just lounging around. Suddenly, Shanks’ iconic ship appears on the horizon. Luffy, thinking it's time for a reunion, excitedly yells.


Shanks steps off the ship, casually walking on the air toward the Sunny, but something’s off. His usual chill vibe is gone, replaced by an eerie calm. He smirks like he knows something they don’t.

“Oh, Luffy... I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

“Me too! I’m gonna be the Pirate King!”

Shanks shakes his head and gives a slow, menacing clap.

“You think it was all going to be that easy, huh? Just chase after your dreams, make some friends, defeat some Yonko, and find the One Piece? No, no, no, my dear Luffy… This has all been part of my plan.”

The whole crew looks confused, except Robin, who raises an eyebrow, sensing something sinister. Shanks’ smirk widens.

“Allow me to introduce myself properly… Not as ‘Red-Haired’ Shanks. But as… Ratsaw.”

The camera zooms in dramatically. Shanks pulls out a rat-shaped mask and slowly puts it on his face.

“Ratsaw? What kind of name is that?”

“Sounds stupid.”

“Oh, does it, Zoro? Just like how you thought you’d be the world’s greatest swordsman by now? Hah, you’re still lost, aren’t you?”

Zoro grips his sword angrily. Meanwhile, Shanks starts pacing, the mask on his face making him look creepier.

Shanks (Ratsaw):
“You see, Luffy, this whole journey of yours... it’s been orchestrated by me. I’ve been watching, pulling strings, and making sure things went exactly as planned.”

He suddenly turns to Usopp.

“Hey, Usopp... remember your mom?”

Usopp freezes, eyes wide.

“Yeah, I poisoned her.”


“Rat blood. Slow-acting. Painful. But necessary. You see, I needed to push you, to mold you into who you are today. A sniper with pain in his heart.”

Luffy (shocked):
“Why would you do that!?”

“Oh, it’s not just her. I poisoned Whitebeard. The tremors? Not just his fruit. His own blood was shaking from my poison. Kaido? Big Mom? Oh, they thought they were the top dogs, but they were just pawns in my game. Roger himself? Oh, you think he just caught some disease? No, no, no... that was all me, Luffy.”

Robin (calm but disturbed):
“Brooks' former crew... the Rumbar Pirates. That was you too?”

“Of course. You think their ‘death’ was an accident? I wanted Brook to suffer, to be alone for decades, so he would join you. Every move, every person in your crew, has been exactly where I wanted them.”

Franky steps forward, visibly angry.

“Then what about Kid and Bartolomeo? You took them out just to hurt Luffy?”

“Ah, Kid... Bartolomeo. They were becoming nuisances. Too close to Luffy. Too much potential to get in my way. I crushed them not because I had to... but because I wanted to see Luffy hurt. Oh, and Bartolomeo? Let’s just say he was disrespecting more than flags... He was disrespecting me. And I couldn't have that.”

Sanji lights a cigarette and blows out smoke.

“And what about Green Bull? He showed up ready to fight us and then just... twerked?”

Shanks chuckles darkly.

“My Haki is that strong. But what you didn’t know is that Green Bull twerked for more than you, Sanji... He twerked for the Gorosei themselves. I made him do it. I made him degrade himself. All for my amusement.”

Chopper (tearing up):
“But why!? WHY, SHANKS?”

Shanks (Ratsaw):
“Because I’m bored, Chopper. I’ve been bored for decades. Watching these pirates sail around, thinking they’re free when they’re all trapped in my game. I’m the Jigsaw of the seas. And now, it’s time for the final game.”

Shanks takes off his mask, revealing a crazed grin beneath it.

“I wanted to see who was worthy of reaching the One Piece. Who could stand the trials, the betrayals, the poison? And Luffy... you were the perfect test subject.”

“Shanks... this isn’t you! What happened!?”

“You want to know? My father. Figarat Garling.

Dramatic gasp from the crew.

“That’s right. He’s not just some random noble. He’s now one of the Elder Stars. And he taught me everything I know. This world is rotten, Luffy. And the only way to fix it is to tear it all down. Starting... with you.”

Shanks snaps his fingers, and suddenly the entire crew feels an overwhelming pressure. It’s his Conqueror’s Haki, but on a level they’ve never experienced.

“I’ve taken down legends, kings, and crews far stronger than yours. Roger’s dream? It was never about freedom. It was about control. And I’ve taken the reins.”

Luffy, barely able to move, looks up at Shanks, his eyes filled with determination.

“I don’t care what you say. I’m still going to find the One Piece, and I’m still going to beat you, Shanks!”

Shanks smirks.

“I’d love to see you try. But remember... you’re already playing my game.”

With that, Shanks vanishes into thin air, leaving the crew shaken, confused, and angry.

“Alright. I officially hate him.”

Usopp (shaking):
“He poisoned... my mom...”

Luffy (angrily clenching his fists):
“Shanks... I’m gonna kick your ass.”

As the screen fades to black, Shanks' voice echoes in the background.

Shanks (Ratsaw):
“Let the final game... begin.”
Kino :amazing:
Bro started to look for the One Piece right after Big Mom and Kaido were out of the game. Ain't no better ducker than him how can you even try to deny it :suresure:
So..? The Yonko were chilling in their territories for decades until Big Mom and Kaido decided to team up and Shanks even in his youth said he prioritizes other things over the One Piece at the moment. The Yonko are after the One Piece, they don't care about actively engaging in fights with each other. At least Shanks has a track record of engaging other Yonko;
- Meeting and clashing with Whitebeard
- Stopping Kaido in his tracks
- Looking out for Blackbeard


Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Barto being the most loyal fool ever. Yasopp can get fucked though, attacking Kidd who was actively attempting to attack their fleet is one thing but firing on those retreating is something I expect from the marines or Kidd. Not a supposedly good pirate crew. Whilst I hate the crew getting separated I find it interesting that it's the first six Strawhats getting pulled away.

This was unexpected but so exciting. The start of a new arc is always the best and I love that the way this is happening makes it so hard to predict what happens next. So glad that their is no break next week.
They are more the yellow bellied cowards. More treacherous and cowardly than blackbeard and his crew. More dishonest.

Snitches, backstabbers, hypocrites etc. Fuck the Rat Haired Pirates. Damn Feds, Fed Hairs.
Usopp literally said he’d always fight for his friends dream. You’re deluding yourself if you think he’ll lie and make fun of Luffys dream to surrender to Ulti.

He literally would never do that and trying to say he would is massively misunderstanding his character.
But his life wasnt depending of what he said. In this case he would lie. Usopp is the only strawhat that is not 100% loyal. He almost let Robin be a doll forever
When we meet our first Giants, Dorry and Brogy, they mention they are able to pierce anything except for "the serpent soaked in blood". It is worth noting that they say this as they one-shot a sea monster known as an "island eater"; keep that in mind. We know that the Giants of Elbaf are heavily influenced by Norse mythology, and there are two serpents within Norse mythology that could be related to their "serpent soaked in blood" worth highlighting.

Within Norse mythology, there are two interesting stories about serpents that you may know about - Jörmungandr ("huge monster") and Níðhöggr ("curse striker").
  • Jörmungandr was a serpent who was tossed into the ocean by Odin and who grew so large that it surrounded the planet and grasped its own tail. It is said when it releases its tail, Ragnarök will begin, the ending of the world where the planet will be submerged under water.
  • Níðhöggr, the "curse striker," was a giant serpent that dwelled underground and coiled around and gnawed at the roots of Yggdrasil, the mighty tree that surrounded the world.
An illustration of all this can be seen here. Níðhöggr wrapped around the roots of Yggdrasil, Jörmungandr biting its own tail in the water, and one more thing I'd like to point out at the top of the tree that will become relevant later is the unnamed eagle that sits atop it. It battles the serpent Níðhöggr, the root eater, in a clash that represents balance.

The Giants live for hundreds of years and are only a couple of generations away from the Void Century. Because of this, I believe remnants of the truth remain in their culture, just like the sky people.

If the "Serpent Soaked in Blood" is also inspired by Norse mythology like a lot of Elbaf's culture, then I think it is inspired by a combination of the two serpents Jörmungandr and Níðhöggr.

"The Serpent soaked in blood" of Elbaf legend is the same Serpent depicted in the entrance to Reverse Mountain, on the Moon, and under Alabasta. I believe it is currently trapped in The Red Line, the structure that snakes around the world and reconnects to itself, drawing parallels to Jörmungandr, the serpent who grew so large it bit its own tail.

(And if this concept of the reconnecting serpent sounds familiar, it's actually how the currents in One Piece are described by Franky on the way to Fishman Island, a dragon biting its own tail.)

While there is no single world tree like Yggdrasil, there is something very similar in the One Piece world - The Sunlight Tree Eve and the Treasure Tree Adam. We know the Sunlight Tree Eve is located at one end of The Red Line, next to Fishman Island. I predict that Adam is on the other side of the world, near the end of The Grand Line; the two trees being on polar opposites would mirror Yggdrasil, seen here. In sticking with the Norse inspiration, we actually do see a glimpse of a massive tree on Elbaf, which we have yet to reach. I believe this is part of the Adam tree.

This is where the Níðhöggr story comes into play. In Norse mythology, Níðhöggr or "curse striker" is the serpent underground who has coiled around and bitten into the roots of Yggdrasil. I believe this may explain the source of the Devil Fruit Power.

The Serpent God is transferring its spirit into the two world trees, whose roots reach from the ocean floor to the surface above. One of each fruit of the world then acts as a vessel containing a portion of its power, with the trademark swirls representing the coil of the serpent; when the fruit is eaten, the power changes vessels. Because the Serpent God is currently trapped in the sea, those who eat its fruit gain its same weakness and lose their energy to the seawater.

In Chapter 19, aptly titled Devil Fruit, we get our first explanation about them from a conversation between Shanks and Buggy. The Devil Fruit is enchanted by Sea Devils, and those who eat its fruit gain powers but the Sea turns against them. If you're familiar with Attack on Titan, think of this like the Curse of Ymir - because she lived 13 years, no titan holding her power can live longer. Similar concept - You inherit the source's weakness as well as its power.

Finally, my belief that it is "trapped" in the Red Line comes from the Apep/Apophis story I mentioned before in relation to Alabasta. Perhaps even more glaringly obvious than the Elbaf-Norse connection is Alabasta's Egyptian influence. Everything from the climate, the architecture, and even the Nefertari name being based on real Egyptian royalty.

Earlier, I likened the world serpent Jörmungandr to the Red Line, which snakes around the world and connects to itself. Apep of Egyptian folklore also has a "world encircler" title and lies in wait in a mountain westward of Egypt just before dawn in what is called the tenth region of night.

Here is a map of the One Piece world. What mountain lies directly west of Alabasta, that has 10 arches at its entrance with serpents engraved on them, and is also part of The Red Line, the structure that encircles the entire world?

I believe that Oda has built up a Sea God within the background of his story from the very moment we entered the Grand Line. But just as his story takes inspiration from many different cultures, this "Sea God" is also the amalgamation of many World Serpent stories that exist within the mythos of our own cultures that he used as inspiration for One Piece. I'll stop here, but if you want to read all about this, you can read more here.
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You didnt get. If Usopp life depends on he lying or not, he would lie. In that moment of alabasta was not that case.
In onigashima if Nami tell the truth she would die. Usopp in nami place would lie
I believe is absurd that some people talk about this as if this is a bad trait. To lie in that situation means to live, to not lie means to die on a whim. The odds of a crazed Big Mom coming to the rescue are closest to 0. Its not about loyalty, there are limits to that. Saint Peter denied God's name because he was afraid to die, Nami didnt in a 100% lie or die scenario, thats mean being either fools either completely brainwashed (And its very cheap writing by Oda).
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