ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1127: Adventure in a land of mystery

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Not doing a thorough analysis, but there are some lingering questions with this chapter:
  • Who moved the Straw Hats from the Giant Pirates' boat to Elbaf? Why did Nami only wake up now? Were the Straw Hats on Elbaf purposely separated?
  • Is this chapter's setting on another rung/realm of the Adam Tree, which I assume is what Yggdrasil is? It looks too skinny to be the behemoth tree shown before.
  • Why was Nami placed alongside pets? The Big Steinn castle seems to be a palace for beasts.
  • Why are the structures made of Lego-like bricks? Do the Giants destroy buildings so easily that it's easier to have a reusable material?
  • How did the cat change into a lion? Was it a Devil Fruit effect, or something intrinsic to the fauna of Elbaf?
    Luffy saying "Gear Fourth" is a mistake, right? He's only using Gear Third.
@ShishioIsBack you've posted three times about Zoro > Luffy bro you’re begging for attention. You do realize that not a single fan agrees with you unless they are reading two piece right. You’re a really smart guy put some energy into creating better bait.
lmaoo now using popularity to your support after you know I will destroy you in Luffy vs Zoro debate anytime
I am interested in Yggdrasil. I was searching about its link to space and found this reddit thread.


  1. Are the 9 realms just 9 planets?
  2. Is the bifrost just a quick way to warp to the 9 planets or can it technically go anywhere?
  3. Can you technically just access the 9 realms via a space ship?
  4. What is Yggdrasil if the above 3 are true? Just a way to map out the 9 realms/planets?


  1. Yeah, they're just planets.
  2. I think the Bifrost is an extra dimensional bridge connected to the planets due to some kind of mystical/cosmic planetary alignment.
  3. Presumably so, if they are just planets, they still exist within this universe/dimension so they would be accessible.
  4. Yeah I think Yggdrasil is a magic/extradimensional tree like structure that uses the Bifrost to create wormholes between the 9 planets.
I just want Elbaf to be more than what we have been seeing in recent arcs. Let's go to the SPACE!
The Gear 3/ Gear 4 thing is most likely a mistake but you got to take into consideration that it might not be.

Maybe Lufffy found a way to not have his whole body into G4 to use a G4 technique which would allow him to not suffer the drawback of G4 anymore. Therefore only G5 have a drawback now.

Oda did the same thing with G2 and G3 after the timsekip. Having G4 and G5 with a drawback would be redundant.