Are we keeping the Strawhats away from the action in order to seperate Loki from the knights before Luffy gets back there. Or is their something important to be found in the castle. I hope it's both. Especially if Loki is being set up as the good guy. They learn the truth and then discover that the knights are going after the rest of Elbaf. Feels like it would be far too close to Oden's story of sacrificing himself to protect the people though. . One way or another Loki is getting freed before we leave Elbaf. I at least hope this trip to the castle will amount to something actually important.
The horns seem to be a symbol of violence whenever they appear. First Oars. Then Kaido and Yamato. And now King Harald and Loki. Though it doesn't seem to be a moral judgement. Just that they are capable or great violence. Which would make Harald snapping his off a pretty big diss to Loki. Then again maybe the horns are a pride thing because of their lineage. Which could explain why Hajrudin's mother could not become Queen.
I still think it would have been far more interesting if this was actually Shanks but as long as Oda executes this well I can live with the evil twin thing. Though I wonder how far they are going to go in trying to accomplish their mission. I mean they are going to run out of animals to kill at some point. And so far it has done nothing to convince Loki to change his mind. Also how would Loki joining actually benefit them. Is it meant to be a take over of Elbaf? A denial of an ally to their enemies? Or just propaganda, a bit like Saul?
Also Shamrock, really?