Kaido death was confirmed on screen when he was shown dissolving into magma
Big Mom was confirmed alive when Morgan’s said the last thing the navy reported before leaving Wano was seeing Big Mom’s ship.
Put that makeup on yourself.
Just wait. Kaido will return.
I don't understand why people think magma is going to kill Kaido when his final attack was literally coating himself in more or less lava.
The big issue with them being trapped is twofold:
1. Seastone is produced in Wano, and forms from the Pyrobloin in Volcanos mixing with seawater. So, after the earthquakes let water in to the magma pits, Big Mom and Kaido would most likely be encased in Seastone. So, they'll need to be mined out. This is why the Beast Pirates captured Minamoto, a carpenter; they need someone who knows how to carve through Seastone.
2. Big Mom's going to get really hungry down there.
With their Vivre Cards for their respective Captains, though, both crews know their Captains are alive.
There's a chance we see the Big Mom Pirates in this Cover Series.