Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 954: Like Giving Wings to a Dragon

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Zoro fans have no hope if they think Zoro can do anything other than a sneak attack. Kaido will kill your fav. Zoro would mid diffed by Calamity. Yall need God.
Let them live in their delusion
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Dude stop with the toxicity - we don't need that shit here
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They worked fine the first time. Why do you think Hawkins started defending after Law took out all his henchmen in one fell sweep. All his dolls got used up.
Hawkins used the heart pirates as lives to hold Law to ransom.

What most likely happened is Law found a way to use shambles and swap the lives each doll was associated with
Great chapter !

Zoro, Kawamatsu and Hiyori's meeting continues with Kawamatsu expressing concern about Hiyori giving away Enma as he doesn't know Zoro and doesn't believe that he met Ryuma and got Shuusui fairly, Zoro accepts to exchange Shuusui for Enma but wants to go at Ryuma's grave. This might give us a good Ryuma flashback.

Hawkins reveals to Law why he joined Kaido and reveals that Apoo was allied with Kaido the whole time. This must be why and how Kaido chose Kid's base for his suicide attempt at the end of Dressrosa arc. Law has been helped by someone who freed him, it must be either Drake or Kyoshiro.

The alliance is preparing for the raid on Onigashima with the rebels assembling from across Wano country, Franky and the shipwrights repairing ships for transport, Luffy training his Coa for the rematch with Kaido and Kin'emon formulating the strategy to invade Onigashima and explaining more about the demon island. We also get to see Robin's motherly side with her holding and hugging Toko.

However whatever plan Kin'emon and the others might formulate it's doomed from the start as unknown to them Big Mom is on Onigashima and she and Kaido have surprisingly decided to ally with each other again. One yonko and his crew was already bad enough but two are far too much for the alliance to handle. This however might cause the marines to finally take action and to go to Wano with at least two admirals, many strong fighters and the new Pacifistas (this will also confirm if these new Pacifistas are the weapon created by Vegapunk mentionned by Fujitora). It also seems that Kaido isn't the only Oni with the introduction of the Numbers, this make me even more hopeful that Kaido was born on Onigashima.
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It will be more than enough to rekt the alliance.
Even without the rest of BM crew, the Mink Pirate Samurai alliance is fucked. How are they supposed to defeat two top tier plus 4 top commanders? I think the alliance attacking Onigashima during the festival will through big mom into another food tantrum (they will probably destroy some choice food that she really likes) thereby removing her from the equation. If she goes beserk in Onigashima she could probably wipe out huge chunks of Kaido's forces.
Even without the rest of BM crew, the Mink Pirate Samurai alliance is fucked. How are they supposed to defeat two top tier plus 4 top commanders? I think the alliance attacking Onigashima during the festival will through big mom into another food tantrum (they will probably destroy some choice food that she really likes) thereby removing her from the equation. If she goes beserk in Onigashima she could probably wipe out huge chunks of Kaido's forces.
I would prefer it if she faces the marines or another external force with her crew than her having another crisis, the last one during WCI arc was long and terrible enough.
Even without the rest of BM crew, the Mink Pirate Samurai alliance is fucked. How are they supposed to defeat two top tier plus 4 top commanders? I think the alliance attacking Onigashima during the festival will through big mom into another food tantrum (they will probably destroy some choice food that she really likes) thereby removing her from the equation. If she goes beserk in Onigashima she could probably wipe out huge chunks of Kaido's forces.
I think there's a chance that Kaido will fight Linlin for real, KO her but also be very fatigued from the fight, from which point Luffy and co jump into the driving seat and fight him

Also, 4 top commanders? There's only 3 calamities and one of them is wrapped up in bandages and probably not at full strength
I think there's a chance that Kaido will fight Linlin for real, KO her but also be very fatigued from the fight, from which point Luffy and co jump into the driving seat and fight him

Also, 4 top commanders? There's only 3 calamities and one of them is wrapped up in bandages and probably not at full strength
3 calamities from 1 sweet commander. But yea If big starts raving again Kaido will likely have to fight her to save Onigashima. An in internal discord is the only way the alliance stands a chance. In a head one confrontation, they are fucked.
The first few slashes. Law cut him in half and so how the power worked. He quickly incapacitated the rest of the minions thereby rendering Hawkins doll-less.
Law jumped on him before Hawkins could draw his sword. After that Basil attacked & afterwards he blocked, that's it.

Law would've easily freed his nakama if u what u wrote is the case.
3 calamities from 1 sweet commander. But yea If big starts raving again Kaido will likely have to fight her to save Onigashima. An in internal discord is the only way the alliance stands a chance. In a head one confrontation, they are fucked.
Which sweet commander is on Wano? The whole ship got pushed off by King

I was thinking of a Luffy, Law, Kidd vs Kaido scenario but Linlin's role is a huge elephant in the room and can change everything. Her unpredictability is a brilliant plot device
Which sweet commander is on Wano? The whole ship got pushed off by King

I was thinking of a Luffy, Law, Kidd vs Kaido scenario but Linlin's role is a huge elephant in the room and can change everything. Her unpredictability is a brilliant plot device
They are still in Wano though. Now that Kaido and Best Mom are allied they can easily send someone to allow them into port.
Biggest question I had after the chapter: Are Linlin and Kaido actually married or what? He says "This banquet will be the best!", while she answers with "Yes! This will be our anniversary!".

On the other hand: I'm still suspicious that there is a traitor in our alliance. Oda has brought this theme up since Zou and in also in Wano countless times.

As for Apoo: This guy is a disgusting little snake and genuinely evil imho. He deserves to get his teeth rearranged.


"Kidd and killer fought until they couldn't move "
People who thought kaido easily beat kidd.
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So 5 days left... Oda is speeding up
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I was right when I wrote that 5 days was left
In spoilers waiting thread.
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This means Kaido and BM fought for 2 or 3 days
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Kaido probably wen't easy on Kidd and Killer since they didn't interrupt his drinking and sober him up. Or he gave them a chance to see if they could possibly kill him.
Lol excuses
Kaido doesn't go easy...
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