One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

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I'm starting to hate Oden almost as much as Kawamatsu. Just show him already :pepehands:
Yeah! There is a point where a tease turns into nuisance.

For example, Rocks panels not showing his face clearly and looking like a maniac with scary eyes is a nice tease. Oda can shadow his design in one or two more panels when someone speaks about him. But more than that is just becoming annoying for my taste.

This happened with Kawamatsu, and it seems it will be the same with Oden.

A GREAAAAT design introduction with decent tease was Jinbe!

Before Impel down, we had Sengoku talking about him and he had a scary looking shadow panel. THEN, during impel down, he got introduced inside the same cell as Ace. That was a great way of doing it. I do not know what is happening with Oda's writing style about introducing characters, but Oden and Kawamatsu intro took more than they deserve in my opinion.

And from a writer stand of point, the ONLY REASON I would have delayed their appearance to that extent is if revealing how they look will shock us all and it needed the right time.

For example, if Kawamatsu or Oden were characters we saw and knew before so he concealed their design for the right time. I have doubts that this is the case, and it's only delayed for character design reasons, which imo is a bad mangaka decision for the enjoyment of readers.

Kawamatsu's intro imo was one of the WORST EVER!

People expectation for his delay of introduction:
1- He will introduce him by intercepting Queen
2- He will introduce him by blocking Big Mom
3- His design MUST BE SUUUPER BADASS for its delay
4- His design MUST BE SUUUPER FUNNY for its delay
5- He might look similar to a character we know, so theories of blood relations will be coming
And so on.

THEN, Kawamatsu got introduced, with a very NORMAL DESIGN, NOTHING SPECIAL, and on top of it, he flexed on fodders, while Luffy took the initiative of doing most of the work while he's badly wounded and can barely stand. While Kawamatsu was just left admiring Luffy.

On the other hand, a great introduction was actually Asura Douji!

Kinemon talked about Oden defeating Asura Douji in one chapter which shows his silhouette, next chapter we see Kinemon talks about the 3 strong samurai that need to be recruited at all costs, one of them is Asura Douji. Then, next few chapters, we have ShuutenMaru introduction where he cuts Jack, a calamity, and we all know it's Asura Douji!

That's a great decent amount of tease, with proper introduction. Kawamatsu was booty. And Oden's design is getting excessive for my taste


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Kaido does6jy feel like he's running the arc
Same thing how BM didnt run a thing after tea party
But Kaido is the one who they have to take down here, during WCI the only goal was to take Sanji back and ran away now they are here to fight and possibly take Kaido down he will have his moments
But Kaido is the one who they have to take down here, during WCI the only goal was to take Sanji back and ran away now they are here to fight and possibly take Kaido down he will have his moments
Most people me included just think that Orochi is the one pulling the strings... of course in the end Kaido will be the guy to beat, but at least for now Oda is putting more emphasis on Orochi being the villain

Pretty wild that 2nd Yonko arc in a row the yonko's are playing second fiddle to other characters
Strawhats get armour??
Orochi is really intriguing. The guy's planning is very good and the way he gets information is excellent as well. Had he been very strong he would have got mad hype

So Orochi knew about the whole plan and even knew the location of Sunny??? I think very few know about the location of Sunny. Traitor may be someone closer to SHs than we think

Glad that Luffy was bit worried about Jinbe.Hope he makes a grand entrance. Even though no one is there Kinemon is gonna proceed with the plan...I wonder if Jinbe and SH grand fleet save the day as SH grand fleet have more than enough ships to carry the whole alliance...Wonder where Luffy and the whole alliance is now?

Intrigued about Oden's back story as well. Finally we are about to see him. Don't know why Kozuki closed Wano borders 100 years back...
s Oden's Story starting next Chapter ? .... why should it start now when there were many opportunities for it to be revealed before when Oden's name was mentioned.... there is nowhere mentioned anything Oden related this chapter and yet the FlashBacks starts ..... ? :pepeanger:
The more build up, the more hype when the flashback actually occurs. Starting the flashback now makes sense, as they are about to fight Kaido.
I want oden flashback to touch on the void century, rox, roger, whitebeard... basically a massif lore dump
even if it is on par to nolan calgara flashback quality-wise , thats a massive disappointment for me.

I am expecting this as the best flashback in OP, 10 chapters minimum thank you.
We should know fully about Oden and his importance.. And also why Wano was closed it's borders and terrors of Orochi and gang just before the war to have way more investment in the final war of Wano
If SH grand fleet saves the day along with Jinbe, the alliance will have an incredible boost and Orochi and co won't be expecting additional 5600 members attacking them..Both Kaido's side and SHs side will have some sort of unpredictability towards each other
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