Lmao, you even failed at your first sentence with a huge contradiction. Logic: 0.
Yeah dude, why cannot Roger be the greatest swordsman without having the title "World Strongest Swordsman"?!
Humpty-Dumpty87 strikes again.
So, you indeed are unable to procees the information that Roger can be greatest swordsman of his era without being called World's Greatest Swordsman.
No, I'm saying: Moreover, the OP lore obviously would have mentioned an important fact like that at least ONCE -> Roger being a swordsman -> the previous WSS -> Mihawk the next WSS and thus, Roger's successor.
But: Mihawk wasn't portrayed to be on par with Roger or Whitebeard...
And I also said that Roger is experienced with various kinds of weapons which indicates that he is an allrounder (gunner skills, swordsmanship and so on).
But of course, someone who even made a contradiction on his first sentence cannot get this point.
No, lore doesnt have to mention anything, it is you who wants that. There is clear difference.
Roger and Mihawk are two different generations and have nothing to do with each other, unless it gets shown that Mihawk became WSS by defeating Roger.

Mihawk isnt portrayed on par with Roger or Whitebeard? He is portrayed exactly like Whitebeard or even superior.

Gets a clash with a Yonko commander (Mihawk vs Vista = WB vs Oden), gets portrayed above Shanks who is a Yonko and who clashed equally with WB, who is equal to Roger.

You said that Roger is experienced with various kinds of weapons and failed to provide any proof regarding it.
If Roger holding a gun makes roger experienced gunman then Ruffytardo holding a sword is an experienced swordsman.
Dudes like you are desperate enough to exclude that Roger vs Shiki clash since this contradicts your own fanfiction - it's just pure entertainment, lol.
Roger vs Shiki doesnt contradict anything, there are no Roger and Shiki fighting in single panel. There are two panels of each of them yelling CHARGE which proves nothing.

Remember, Ruffytardo swordsman=Roger gunman.
As I said, you cant provide a single panel where Roger and Shiki are clashing with each other.
Basic reading comprehension would realize that this panel above shows no clash on panel but I am demanding too much from you.
Except he has other weapons which he even used on great wars.
You're cracking me up, Illogical87.
Again, Ruffytardo swordsman=Roger Gunman.
By showing your lacks of knowledge about your own beloved character? Didn't know you like something like that. ;)
You're the second guy coming up with a guy who died 200-300 years ago. Zoro didn't give a single fuck about Ryuma cause he didn't know him.
In contrast, we have Roger, the most well-known character in the story, many people has seen his fighting style and yet, NONE of them even bothered to describe him as a swordsman. Fuck, not even Oda bothers.
Excuse me, but the intends of the author >>> your diarrhea.
What a load of crap. Your arguments were always shitty but this is the new low.

Zoro knew about Ryuma but he didnt give a single shit regardless. Stop reading Two-Piece versions.

Zoro doesnt give a single shit about a deadman because that deadman isnt the greatest swordsman ever despite being greatest of his generation.

Idk about you but it is clear that Roger is pure swordsman based on todays chapter but I know its hard to digest proof being thrown into your face when your headcanon wishes go in different direction.