Seeing how oda ended flashback with toki, I think he deliberately sidelined info on toki to not reveal any info related to ancient civilization after all its clear that she knew when joyboy would appear....this exact 20 years is clearly a hint towards it.
And, I don't know why I have this weird thought that toki came to wano at this time around to give birth to a samurai who can aid joyboy. Its like she knew everything and had some specific purpose.
Momo would have been around 28 by now... but kaido ruined things and then toki to save momo sends him exactly 20 years in future when he can get aid joyboy and gets help from him like a destiny thing....just wild
Glad flashback ended. I hope oden remains dead till end of one piece because it would be better this way...
Now, time for some KaiLin action