Spoiler One Piece Chapter 972 Spoilers Discussion

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I said that he has some edgy tendencies yes, thats not irrefutable?
Your example for this is Zoro getting lost on that ship and cutting it down right?

That's not edgy. It's supposed to be funny.

Dude things exists IN CONTEXT. Zoro acting tough after getting lost is not the same as being edgy when the CONTEXT of the entire situation is comedic

Like have seen guys like Sasuke say such things in a situation where you're supposed to be laughing at them before? When Sasuke was punking Orochimaru in that snake genjutsu dimension and tell him it was his bad luck that he came across the great occular prowess of the uchiha, was that supposed to be funny?

Sasuke and Zoro are both saying similar things about like the other guy was unlucky that they faced such bad ass guys like themselves but CONTEXT EXISTS to make one situation edgy and the other funny

Like I said, you're not expert just because you say you're a fan.
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Your example for this is Zoro getting lost on that ship and cutting it down right?

That's not edgy. It's supposed to be funny.

Dude things exists IN CONTEXT. Zoro acting tough after getting lost is not the same as being edgy when the CONTEXT of the entire situation is comedic

Like have seen guys like Sasuke say such things in a situation where you're supposed to be laughing at them before? When Sasuke was pinking Orochimaru in that snake genjutsu dimension and tell him it was his bad luck that he came across the great occular prowess of the uchiha, was that supposed to be funny?

Sasuke and Zoro are both saying similar things about like the other guy was unlucky that they faced such bad ass guys like themselves but CONTEXT EXISTS to make one situation edgy and the other funny

Like I said, you're not expert just because you say you're a fan.
Again, its the quote.
Also, if we add two + two:
- Oden said that Kozuki closed Wano borders because of "the certain power", which is WG (obviously)
- From Gyukimaru we know that Ryuma protected Wano from Pirates and WG
- Marines still afraid of Wano because of him

After Ryuma's death, there was no man who could stand against them, so Kozuki closed the borders to protect themselves and Wano from WG

Ryuma the GOAT confirmed:finally:
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