Spoiler One Piece Chapter 974 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the Best?

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I love how some folk expect everyone to think of Kidd and Law as supposedly worthy rivals to Luffy despite their complete and utter lack of achievements.

• Has personally defeated three Warlords (Crocodile, Moriah and Doflamingo).

• Has personally led attacks against the World Government’s three most important bases (Enies Lobbey, Impel Down and Marineford).

•Has two former Warlords as loyal and reliable allies (Hancock and Jinbe). Though I suppose I could be cheeky and add Law himself as a third one. :lawbepo:

•Has a Grand Fleet with numerous famed pirate captains leading thousands of men.

•Led an attack that completely defeated the World Government’s best group of assassins in CP9.

•Defeated two Yonko Commanders, one of which was that Yonko’s strongest subordinate.

•He was responsible for some event known as the Rocky Port Incident that was stopped by Coby, yes you read that right, feckin Coby.:vistalaugh:

•Well he did create the long term plan to defeat Kaido (through Luffy’s immeasurably useful assistance).

•That is kinda it.

•Oh wait, he had his life goal of personally getting revenge against Chadflamingo stolen from him by Luffy. Nearly forgot that. :doffytroll:

•Errr, he killed some random fodder that wanted to go home once. :quest:

•Supposedly scarred (not defeated) a Sweet Commander. Never said which one. Katakuri was undeafeated till Luffy, Smoothie and Snack have no visible scars that I can recall, so that leaves Cracker (who actually has visible scars) I suppose, the guy Luffy ate for lunch the day before he fought and defeated Katakuri. :goatasure:

Luffy literally has more achievements than every other Supernova combined despite all his supposed “rivals” having a two year head start on him. :rolaugh:
I would argue Oda failed at this too.

We have actual internal dialogue from Orochi saying he doesn't know whether the scabbards have returned or not. Like he can't be lying to anyone when he says thus since he's just saying it to himself

Orochi says this AFTER reviewing the Intel from Kanjuro. Why does he say he doesn't have proof of the scabbards returning when one of his men is a Scabbard?
Good Lord, it really isn't hard to understand.

Kanjuro sent Orochi a message via his birds, as soon as they had arrived in the present time. He didn't personally go to Orochi and drink a beer with him. He actually had a role to play and left with the others, heading for Zou. Of course Orochi would still be a bit suspicious if this is all true (he didn't have any proof actually, only the bird message).It has been 20 years after all.

Despite all that he still absolutely believed in Kanjuro and was hellbent that the scabbards had returned for the entire arc.

Not Oda's fault if some guys misinterpret the story again.
Then your scenario is more stupid. The top two fighters of the crew some how appeared on an island to fight each other without their crews or their crews literally just devidence not to fight and eat biscuits on the side. Fuckin stupid
Ah yeah, just like the Daavy Backfight or when Luffy's crew didnt interject against Luffy vs. Usopp. Fights can be personal, flights can be exclusive.

There is a reason for my words you arent understanding. Kid has a road poneglyph, unlike literally every other Supernova save for Luffy. He also stole Big Mom's. They both will likely steal Kaido's. Luffy has a 1 up though, with the rubbing from Zou. In order for Kid to even get that Zou poneglyph, he'd have to fight Luffy for it.

Kid, out of the other 8 remaining Supernova, is the only one to truly be protrayed as Luffy's rival. Hes the only one to actively rebel against multiple Yonko and NOT fully ally with Luffy. Right now he's here to specifically gain credit of taking Kaido down.

I mean, read between the lines man:

- Law: Allied with Luffy/Genuinely good person/Huge Backstory/Essentially a pseudo straw hat at this point. Whether or not you believe he will die this arc or some future arc using his powers, he probably will not betray Luffy. The man has saved Luffy more than once.

- Hawkins/Apoo/Drake: all folded to Kaido at one point. With Drake its intentional, but being a Marine, its clear hes not really even in the running against Luffy. Apoo MAY have something up his sleeve but even then I dont think ambition is up there, considering he didnt rebel in the first place. Conquerers dont hide.

- Bege: no explanation needed for this one.

- Bonney/Urogue: Both seem to have deeper plots tied to EoS and nothing to do with this Supernova rivalry.

Now compare those to Kid.

- He's the only other Supernova to have Conquers.
- He's the only other Supernova to straight up defy and revolt against multiple Yonko. In fact, he's now done it 3 times, save for Blackbeard.
- He actively cares about his crew, like Law, especially Killer.
- Killer was his weak spot, which was the only reason he was captured. It shows a level of comradere that you dont see in basically any other crew save for Luffy's

Come on dude. No need to get pissy because I think there is a deeper moment with Luffy/Kid coming. We still have arcs likely tying around Bonney/Urogue first (seems to be the pattern Oda is going for) before I think this happens, but I do think Luffy will have to trump Kid personally in order to make him fold.
Good Lord, it really isn't hard to understand.

Kanjuro sent Orochi a message via his birds, as soon as they had arrived in the present time. He didn't personally go to Orochi and drink a beer with him. He actually had a role to play and left with the others, heading for Zou. Of course Orochi would still be a bit suspicious if this is all true (he didn't have any proof actually, only the bird message).It has been 20 years after all.

Despite all that he still absolutely believed in Kanjuro and was hellbent that the scabbards had returned for the entire arc.

Not Oda's fault if some guys misinterpret the story again.

Orochi is talking to himself about how hard it is to believe any of this shit and how he needs to see them with his own eyes YET ONE OF HIS MEN IS LITERALLY AMONG THEM?
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