Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 975 : "Kinemon's Plan"

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You can't win
Lmao at the irony here

I know where this is going :yearight:

And it seems the alliance know Kaido and Big Mom teamed up now

Yet they were still ready to fight

Guess it will be where the Luffy / Kid / Law alliance will come into play

Would be particularily nice if Kid were to take down Big Mom while Luffy took down Kaido :steef:

And btw the little detail i drew make it seem like Kid can lift himself/levitate with his powers. Can't wait to see more of his powers

But the MVP of this chapter was Denjiro Boss Kyoshiro.

Not only he managed to steal some spotlight from the Auction trio, but he saved all the prisoners from the ratetsu district, indirectly helped in out-doing the traitor Kanjuro by only revealing himself later. But funny how he thought he was part of Kin's plan when poor dude was clueless as fuck :madmonk:

Anyway the chapter was nice and pumped up for the Raid in Onigashima even more now. :optimistic:

Too bad there is a break though :tchpepe:


Zoro Worshipper
Super chapter guys, for the simple fact we are finally back to the present :lunazing:

The Grandmaster has turned so strong he considers everyone weak and his statement confirms as much :zosmug:

I expect the upcoming chapters to present us the Fire Festival finally
So...seems like the next Yonkou are gonna be Luffy, Kidd, Shanks and Teach. The battle afterwards will be legendary.
Luffy will never fight Kid as it would be a 100% loss/annaihilation on Kids part.

So if Kid wants to thrive, he should never get on Luffy's bad side.

Blackbeard Luffy's true rival will get destroyed by Luffy.

There's only 3 people that are against Luffy, Imu, teach and akainu.

Everyone that Luffy goes against either ebd up dead or in jail with their empire completely crushed.
First half was a bit anti-climatic, I feel. After the end of last chapter, expected a bit more from the three than to squabble about beating a ship full of fodder.

But the ending is comedic gold, and all worth it.

Like the look of all the Strawhats as well. Especially Luffy with his coat. Wonder why Brook's the only non-M3 member to ditch the Wano look.

It being confirmed to be Lola on the cover page maybe gives us a wee hint about where it's going. If she was married to Luffy Roo- Capone and Shanks teaming up? And if that is the case- Shanks on Elbaf, as Lola was meant to marry Loki? And if that's the case- Big Mom, Shanks, Elbaf? And if that's the case- Bartolomeo attacked a Red Hair village, Bellamy now works in one, Hajrudin is from there are they all going to Elbaf too? Is that where the great incident will take place
All very tenuous stuff, but you never know.

And I can't help but note the alliance is at 5400 men. So with Luffy being 56 boy, expect 200 men to show up (Jinbei and Neko) when all seems lost to turn the tide of battle.


Nice chapter.

WG trio is the highlight of this chapter.
Denjiro is the real MVP.
Those smile users have dope design.

What pick my interest is Kidd:

Portrayed as Luffy's rival in Sabaody Archipelago.
In Udon.
In Onigashima raid.
Competed against each other again this chapter.

Kidd will definitely one of major player at EOS. Wouldn't surprise me if Oda makes him OP by allowing him to control iron in human's body.
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