Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 975 : "Kinemon's Plan"

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Nice chapter.

WG trio is the highlight of this chapter.
Denjiro is the real MVP.
Those smile users have dope design.

What pick my interest is Kidd:

Portrayed as Luffy's rival in Sabaody Archipelago.
In Udon.
In Onigashima raid.
Competed against each other again this chapter.

Kidd will definitely one of major player at EOS. Wouldn't surprise me if Oda makes him OP by allowing him to control iron in human's body.
He is not a Rival if he is not fighting Luffy. But as you know, everybody that goes against Luffy ends up dead or in jail.

Roger fought and destroyed his rivals at Gods Valley in one swoop.


You can't win
Thanks for the new sig @Yasu . This panel was awesome

Was waiting for the colored version and here we go :steef:

Looks great! Did you do that?

Btw, Why don't you make a thread in the Graphics section and share your work in it akin to Lee's Memes?
Lol, the source is literally on the pictures :yearight:

I agree he should make threads in the graphic section though
Damn would be cool if the butterfly lady is headliner she has nice design.We see three Musketeers on SHs(who by the way look badass with samurai gear) ship.Was hopping that we would see more Kid pirates introduced(probably in the upcoming chapters).On Zou we seen most of Heart Pirates,Law said that he has 20 crew members and three of them were named in SBS: Ikkaku,Uni(present in this chapter),Clione.

Denjiro was badass in this chapter.Hope that Oda next chapter shows us the Yonkou party at Onigashima.


Your entire post makes a lot of sense but this part precisely hits the nail on the head. i always said feat analysis is pointless, and it's laughable how these dumb PL scalers invest a lot of time/effort to interpret controversial feats. Oda writes story/context which builds portrayal for its characters, and this portrayal overrides feats 10 out of 10. hence why writing OP powerlevel essays is meaningless in the long run.
Remember this thread lol @Blackbeard @Rivaille
Where does Kidd get all this metal matter from though?

Either his DF is situational (if there is no material, his DF is useless), or maybe (at least when awakened) he can manipulate the iron in someone's body. But even then, Kidd could just steal all of the opponents weapons and morph them into an armor.

Nah, if he can manipulate the iron at all (would be dark), it´s simply due to the force generated, meaning if the force is big enough.
I think awakening would be him being able to magnetize even non-magnetic materials, essentially making him have similar ability as Fujitora.
It's a "meh" chapter
BUT at least.... we got rid of the explaination that many demanded about:

1- Freeing the prisoners by Kyoshiro and joining the forces

2- Revealing to our alliance that Big Mom and Kaido are ALLIED officially

3- Revealing Kinemon's maneuvers regarding the traitor (and he wasn't stupid as he appeared FINALLY)

4- Finally connecting the dots regarding the ports... and concluding it.. cause I'm tired of panels talking about ports with word play.

5- Franky telling us viewers how Sunny survived.. even though me personally I knew it from last chapter that it simply withstood the attack by them saying "did you fix the ship"... but apparantly some One Piece fans complain so much that they want an explaination right infront of their eyes and cannot comprehend a simple "line or dialog" from a character to conclude what's happening... even though Oda didn't need to explain it.. but anyway we got rid of unimportant stuff like that for complainers

6- and MOST IMPORTANTLY, ALL THE FORCES are complete and here (talking about forces inside Wano). Any back up from outside that is coming later is not considered from original formation... but at least we have our original formation which MEANS the war finally is about to officially start.

I was so afraid that we will have small forces go on a raid first... then back up appears... then more back up appears and so on... That would have been SO BAD

Thankfully... just like in Marineford... Almost the main force of the war... with all the ships are present.. so that we have a POWERFUL START in this war... and NOT a stupid exploration for Onigashima with small group raiding... THEN we have war "20 chapters deep into Onigashima"

So basically "meh" chapter that got rid of LOTS of set up

All that's left is to reach Onigashima and start the war...

Next chapter I'm expecting a "march to Onigashima with some beautiful view panels and double spread pages... ending with a "stare down" between the Alliance and the enemy.

I'm expecting late arrival for Nekumamushi to the war.... BUT with Marco... which is why I think nekumamushi took longer time to arrive than what the Scabbard have anticipated... maybe Marco went to even gather some more forces, people like Izo/Jozu...etc to join the war... specially since they ALL ADMIRED ODEN.
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