Great chapter
1) Boss Jimbei and heart warming welcome from SH. Jimbei is so strong that he had to carry the injured sun pirates and escaped from there.....
welcome Jimbei san...:cheers: and nice to have interactions with SH
2) Law knows that Kinemon can't make a strategy with SH. Afterall nothing beats personal experience....

3) Hyogoro the GOAT. This man deserves special attention. He will be indirectly responsible for the fall of Yonko....
4) Zoro CoO is too stronk when it comes to sake....
5) Law "the strategist" strikes again...the two idiots he was talking about were "Luffy and Kidd"....good to see he is making plans only to know that it won't work....

....poor Law
6) Kinemon is new Buggy/Usopp....
7) Straw hats fighting together.....

8) Luffy rejecting party and being highly focused on the real issue as usual....
9) Queen dancing....
10) Kaido has son
11) Tobi roppo has arrived.....
My rating: 3.75/5