What is mind boggling is why Queen is the topic of discussion lolz. Is it because he was in the spot light this chapter, coz u'd think the F6 would be aiming for Jack's position given he's the weakest of the all stars. I'm guessing it's the earlier.
You dont become Jack or Queen
That is their real names
But you can replace a calamity/All star in rank
Why would they want Jack? Jack isn't going anywhere, Queen leads flyers, jack leads His main headliners , king also has numbers or some headliners under him.
Flyers are the closest to being future calamities.
If a flyer becomes calamity, Jack will be the second strongest automatically.
By the way, those that saying Numbers arent part of Kaido main crew are wrong.
Numbers are veteran Kaido fighters as Queen and King are.
Flyers have not been with Kaido for longest as Numbers.
Flyers>=Numbers or flyers ~ Numbers.